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Hola hola, que tal están? Hace unos días fui feliz y es que fui al estado vecino, Lara específicamente al pueblo de Santa Rosa ya los que sean de Venezuela ubican que fui hacer, cada 14 de enero se lleva acabo la procesión de la imagen de la Divina pastora, la trasladan desde el pueblo hasta la catedral metropolitana de barquisimeto alrededor de 7,5 kilómetros
Hello hello, how are you? A few days ago I was happy and I went to the neighboring state, Lara specifically to the town of Santa Rosa and those who are from Venezuela already know that I went to do, every January 14 is carried out the procession of the image of the Divine shepherdess, they move it from the village to the metropolitan cathedral of barquisimeto about 7.5 kilometers.
Esta fue mi primera vez viviendo esta experiencia pero llevan 166 años celebrando y cada año sumándose más personas, fui acompañada de mi fiel tía y compañera ella si la ha caminado varias veces me pidió que la acompañará y pues la verdad siempre había querido ir pero nunca se me había presentado la oportunidad
This was my first time living this experience but they have been celebrating 166 years and every year more people join, I was accompanied by my faithful aunt and companion, she has walked it several times and she asked me to accompany her and the truth is that I had always wanted to go but I had never had the opportunity to go.
Fue algo tan bonito e impresionante para mi, ver como tanta gente se reúne cada año con la misma finalidad, con la misma fe y devoción, es increíble y hasta incalculable la cantidad de personas que habían en el lugar y a lo largo de toda la ciudad
It was something so beautiful and impressive for me, to see how so many people gather every year with the same purpose, with the same faith and devotion, it is incredible and even incalculable the amount of people that were in the place and throughout the city.
Nosotras salimos del estado vecino alrededor de las 5 30 am, decidimos pagar un paquete con una agencia porque ese día cierran muchas calles y el tráfico, el transporte publico se vuelve un desastre. Entonces la opción más viable fue pagar un transporte, este tuvo un costo de 13 dólares muy económico, además de que también decidimos no complicarnos con la comida, solo nos hicimos unos panes con queso amarillo y salsa, llevamos dinero para comprar algún jugo o lo que se nos antojara por allá
We left the neighboring state around 5:30 am, we decided to pay for a package with an agency because that day they close many streets and traffic, public transportation becomes a disaster. So the most viable option was to pay a transport, this had a cost of 13 dollars very economical, plus we also decided not to complicate with the food, we only made some breads with yellow cheese and sauce, we took money to buy some juice or whatever we wanted to buy over there.
Así que tomamos nuestra aventura con un sombrero y mucho protector solar, ese día no se cuanto camine realmente porque el autobús nos dejó bastante lejos porque las vías estaban cerradas, por lo que tuvimos que empezar el día caminando para llegar al pueblo, al entrar todo esta congestionado de gente pero aun así podíamos caminar, estuvimos en el pueblo, desayunamos y escuchamos la misa un rato, en lo que decidimos salir del pueblo para esperarla afuera porque se entra y se sale del pueblo por el mismo sitio, señores casi nos desmayamos, no había paso, era tal cantidad de gente queriendo entrar y salir al mismo tiempo que era imposible moverse, por suerte conseguimos a quienes iban saliendo y así pudimos juntarnos para poder salir sin que nos aplastaran
So we took our adventure with a hat and lots of sunscreen, that day I don't know how much I really walked because the bus left us quite far because the roads were closed, so we had to start the day walking to get to the village, when entering everything is congested with people but still we could walk, we were in the village, we had breakfast and listened to the mass for a while, We decided to leave the town to wait for her outside because you enter and leave the town through the same place, we almost fainted, there was no passage, there were so many people wanting to enter and leave at the same time that it was impossible to move, luckily we got those who were leaving and so we could get together to leave without being crushed.
Al lograr salir nos sentamos en una acera donde casi no pegaba sol, porque estaba muy alta la temperatura, allí estuvimos casi 3 horas, afortunadamente no había tanta gente y todo estaba muy tranquilo, allí coincidimos con una familia muy amable que nos contaron sus experiencias además de darnos recomendaciones para toda la procesión, en medio de la espera no sabiamos porque calle vendría y para suerte de nosotras pasó justamente por donde estábamos nosotras, fue mágico! No hay palabras para describir lo bonito que se sintió
When we managed to get out we sat on a sidewalk where the sun almost did not hit, because the temperature was very high, there we were almost 3 hours, fortunately there were not so many people and everything was very quiet, there we met a very nice family who told us their experiences and gave us recommendations for the whole procession, in the middle of the wait we did not know which street would come and luckily for us it passed right where we were, it was magical! There are no words to describe how beautiful it felt!
Después de verla y caminarla, tuvimos que empezar a meternos por las calles, porque era muy agobiante estar entre tanta gente, después de perdernos un buen rato la volvimos a conseguir y paramos en un sitio para poder almorzar, aquí les estoy hablando de que serian como las 2 de la tarde y pasarían por nosotras justo a las 3 en el sitio acordado, cenamos y nos pusimos en marcha a nuestra parada, al llegar nos conseguimos con la flor de Venezuela, monumento nacional y patrimonio cultural, así que decidimos pasar un rato muy corto para grabar un poco, pero realmente no estuvimos mucho tiempo, quiero visitarla de nuevo para leer un poco más y mirar a detalle cada cosa pues tiene mucha información en donde mire
After seeing it and walking it, we had to start to get into the streets, because it was very overwhelming to be among so many people, after getting lost for a while we got it again and stopped at a place to have lunch, here I am talking about it would be about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and they would pick us up right at 3 o'clock at the agreed site, We had dinner and we set off to our stop, when we arrived we found the flower of Venezuela, national monument and cultural heritage, so we decided to spend a very short time to record a little, but we were not really long, I want to visit it again to read a little more and look in detail each thing because it has a lot of information where I look.
After that we went to another very nice place in Lara, but I will tell you about it another day, it is important to remember that this is my experience and that I respect every religion, whatever they want to believe in. every religion, whatever they want to believe in. thank you very much for reading me, I hope you enjoy the video. enjoy the video. I send you a big hug and the best of vibes to all of you! to all of you! See you in an upcoming post♥️
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