Este truco es uno de los mas vistosos en el mundo del Freestyle - Street Workout a lo que a mi conlleva, a parte de eso visualmente se ve super complicado ya que implica dos trucos en uno, son el 180 + uno de 360, todo esto acompañado de un buen balanceo que sucede en 2 segundo en el aire , al principio no lograba coordinar lo que era agrupar los brazos para lograr mas velocidad y las piernas que te ayudan para terminar de girar el truco, pero con el pasar de las semanas e intento tras intento, poco a poco iba logrando caer mas con vista hacia la barra dándome esperanza en conseguirlo.
This trick is one of the most colorful in the world of Freestyle - Street Workout to what it entails, apart from that visually it looks super complicated since it involves two tricks in one, they are the 180 + one of 360, all this accompanied by a good swing that happens in 2 seconds in the air, at first I could not coordinate what it was to group the arms to achieve more speed and the legs that help you to finish turning the trick, but with the passing of the weeks and Try after try, little by little I was managing to fall more with a view towards the bar giving me hope in achieving it.
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