Este truco es de los mas esenciales en el mundo del Freestyle - Street Workout, aparte de eso en la mayoría de los casos los atletas de calistenia buscan sacarlo al principio para poner mas poder en sus combos, se ve complicado pero si lo practicas de manera progresiva e inteligente lo lograras en corto tiempo, el en vídeo se ve que al principio me costaba el mundo sacarlo pero con el pasar de los meses poco a poco entendía mas la técnica.
This trick is one of the most essential in the world of Freestyle - Street Workout, apart from that in most cases calisthenics athletes seek to remove it at the beginning to put more power in their combos, it looks complicated but if you practice it in a progressive and intelligent you will achieve it in a short time, the video shows that at first it was difficult for me to get it out but with the passing of the months little by little I understood the technique more.
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