The enemy team continued to have failures, they gave me unnecessary kills, due to their experience and their shooter, and I was going 8 kills in favor and 1 single death that was at the beginning, and the game was 15 to 11 in our favor. At minute 9, wow! There was another failure on their part because they wanted to enter through the experience lane and my tank was present and managed to catch them both and we double killed my Aulus.
Siempre he dicho que hay que temerle a Aulus en el juego tardío, ¿que sucedió? logre hacer mi novena kill junto a mi experiencia y mi team logró matar el Lord, eso nos ayudó bastante, porque ya yo prácticamente estaba fuerte y casi mis ítem estaban completos.
Mi team también hizo un error por el cual se llevó el team enemigo un Maniac quees cuando matan a los 4, pero aun asi yo me seguía llevando kill, y me lleve tres kill, me mentalice en no perder esta partida y darlo todo. En el minuto 11 hice mi 13 kill matando al jungla enemigo. Ya aquí quedaba hacer presión al team enemigo y evitar fallas, y con todo el team al minuto 3 nos hicimos el Lord y fuimos con todo a tumbar la base enemiga, pero planificamos mal y todo mi team estaba muerto porque ellos se supieron defender y mi Lord estaba en camino. La base enemiga estaba a nada que se tumbaría y yo estaba pendiente para hacer eso el juego iba 32 a 22 a favor de nosotros, y todo mi equipo estaba vivo de nuevo, hicimos una pelea grupal, donde mi tanque murió pero logramos matarlos a todo y tumbamos base y fue victoria para nosotros.
I've always said Aulus is to be feared in the late game, what happened? I managed to do my ninth kill together with my experience and my team managed to kill the Lord, that helped us a lot, because I was already practically strong and my items were almost complete.
My team also made a mistake for which the enemy team took a Maniac who is when they kill all 4, but even so I kept taking a kill, and I took three kills, I was mentalized not to lose this game and give it my all. At minute 11 I did my 13 kill killing the enemy jungler. Here we had to put pressure on the enemy team and avoid failures, and with the whole team at minute 3 we became Lord and went with everything to knock down the enemy base, but we planned badly and my whole team was dead because they knew how to defend themselves and my Lord was on his way. The enemy base was nowhere near going down and I was waiting to do that the game was going 32 to 22 in our favor, and my whole team was alive again, we did a group fight, where my tank died but we managed to kill them all and we knocked down the base and it was victory for us.

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