Coffee time with HBD


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    Published on Jan 20, 2024
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    💕 Hello Hive Community! 💕

    Un buen café es todo lo que necesitamos para trabajar bien. Yo, sin tomar café, no existo correctamente, ya me he acostumbrado demasiado a él y ahora dependo un poco de eso, pero la verdad no me importa demasiado. Les cuento que hace par de días había salido a consentirme un poco y se me hizo algo tarde, eran ya las 4:00 PM aproximadamente y la verdad es que ya me estaba haciendo falta una taza de café. Afortunadamente, me encontraba muy cerca de Sensi Cumaná, una de las mejores cafeterías de la zona, donde convenientemente aceptan nuestra stablecoin HBD. Salí de donde estaba y le dije a mi novio para ir a tomarnos un café. Como siempre, la atención es excelente, hicimos el pedido y no tardó más de 10 minutos, creo que mucho menos que eso. Era un café americano y un cappuccino, acompañados de una galleta que siempre colocan ellos como cortesía. Disfruté mi café con gusto y luego fui a hacer el pago, escaneando el código QR de la app Keychain Store, todo muy rápido como siempre. ¡Nos leemos pronto!

    Coffee time with HBD.png

    A good coffee is all we need to work well. I, without drinking coffee, I don't exist properly, I have become too used to it and now I depend a little bit on it, but the truth is that I don't mind it too much. I tell you that a couple of days ago I had gone out to pamper myself a little and I was a little late, it was already about 4:00 PM and the truth is that I was already missing a cup of coffee. Fortunately, I was very close to Sensi Cumaná, one of the best coffee shops in the area, where they conveniently accept our HBD stablecoin. I left where I was and told my boyfriend to go for a coffee. As always, the service is excellent, we placed the order and it took no more than 10 minutes, I think much less than that. It was an American coffee and a cappuccino, accompanied by a cookie that they always place as a courtesy. I enjoyed my coffee with pleasure and then I went to make the payment, scanning the QR code from the Keychain Store app, all very fast as always. See you soon!

    Content of my Property - Exclusive Content for HIVE
    Videos shot with iPhone 13
    Edited with CAPCUT Software & Animations Made in Canva Pro
    Music: Luminous – Jezzel

    If you like makeup, the world of beauty or making art on your skin I invite you to the Makeup Power Community and the Makeup Power Telegram

    Sí eres un Hiver activo Sucrense, te invito a nuestra comunidad Hive Sucre y a nuestro grupo de Telegram

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