#Hive I hope you are very well I'm Jose Rivera
@jose-sw31 and this day I bring you my experience and review of a fairly well known game, in which we are a little jumping square passing levels with increasing difficulty quite interactive, which has many kits of icons which we can use and unlock by passing levels and vallamos overcoming each of these, jutno to this I brought a small gaming which explained a little of the game dynamics, for now explain the lite version, soon I will explain the full version along with some tutorials on creating levels among others. I hope you like it.
En el siguiente collage se podran ver los kit de iconos los cuales trae por defecto el juego, meidante vamos superando niveles, gracias a eso podemos ir desbloqueando todos los diversos iconos que podemos utilizar y noi solo eso sino tambien muchos colores para hacer nuestro contraste de colores favorito.
In the following collage you can see the kit of icons which brings by default the game, as we overcome levels, thanks to that we can unlock all the various icons that we can use and not only that but also many colors to make our favorite color contrast.
Algunos niveles // Some levels |
Nos basamos en superar e ir progresando pasando diversos nieveles para asi debloquear los colores e iconos dichos anteriormente, dicho juego no lo recomiendo o no lo veo apto para gente padecida de epilepsia ya que algunos niveles tienen una gran cantidad de luces y colores explosivos repetitivamente, ya despues de esto aqui unos niveles.
We are based on overcoming and progressing through various nieveles to thus debloquear the colors and icons said above, this game I do not recommend or do not see it suitable for people suffering from epilepsy as some levels have a lot of lights and explosive colors repeatedly, and after this here are some levels.
Algunos saltos del primer nivel // Some jumps of the first level |
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░Jose Rivera░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
Vive/ Crea/ Ama
Jose Luis Rivera - Creando Contenido de Calidad | Jose Luis Rivera - Creating Quality Content |
Gracias por leer mi publicación | Thanks for reading my post |
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