It was a rainny day and the weather is considerably nice. Usually I will be too lazy to workout and I did hesitate to press the start button. But once that button hit, there's no turning back! Apologize on the skin tight legging. It's good to protect my fat thighs from rubbing together as today's programme involved with split lunges.
Week 17 Episodes below:
Day 5 here
Day 4 here
Day 3 here
Day 2 here
Day 1 here
Decided to change this part of the message. Whatever happens in the past, please refer week 16 and before. Life goes on, I am on a quest, a quest of staying healthy and continuously workout. I have prepared some #steem giveaways to encourage those who willing to workout together with me, partly because I'm an attention whore, secondly I would to have workout buddy even if I'm not in the gym, I'd like to have a virtual gym here on the blockchain. The idea is simple, we will be continuously added 5 reps every week, until we see some results. Any form of exercise is acceptable, provided the post is in video format. Quantity of workout has to be equivalent or more than stipulated reps for the week.
If there's little participants, I'll just wipe my ass and walk out continue my workout with a few buddies. If there's enough participants, I will try to increase the top prize with snowball effect. When there's no taker, I will continue to add up the amount. Each week if nobody come forth and claim the reward, I will add it up.
You may be saying, Dave 55 reps is a joke. Why not take it up to 100? Well, despite this contest is a fitness workout contest, ultimately its an excuse for us to make a post. I would like to take this opportunity to promote fitness, and to keep author posting on a regular basis, an extra topic for everyone to participate. I have prepared some steem(possible HIVE in future) for fellow participants. Ultimately, it benefit myself too, because I need workout buddy. And you my friend, 1 post a day for the fitness, you earn your potential upvote, body is yours, fitness is yours, and do the summary report and 1Steem is yours. If you win because you're handsome, or have a sexy bikini body, there you have somemore STEEM as per prize stipulated(hopefully in HIVE in the near future).
Week 16 conclusion can be found here
Week 15 conclusion can be found here
Week 14 conclusion can be found here
Week 13 conclusion can be found here
Week 12 conclusion can be found here
Week 11 conclusion can be found here
Week 10 conclusion can be found here
Week 9 conclusion can be found here
February contest announcement and summary can be found here
Week 4 conclusion can be found here
Week 3 conclusion can be found here
Week 2 conclusion can be found here
Week 1 conclusion can be found here
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