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    Published on Sep 20, 2020
    About :

    esta vez les traigo uno de los temas dela seire de tema que estoy componiendo inspirado en la serie de avatar, me propuse a componer un tema por cada elemento o cada representacion fundamental de la serie, ( para los que ya vieron avatar saben de los que se trata) o si no saben les explico, avatar es una serie animada que trata sobre antiguos maestro los cuales pueden controlar los elementos naturales dela naturaleza como por ejemplo, agua, tierra, fuego y aire o elementos algunos de los elementos no naturales que esten compuestos por estos, esto serie un resumen corto para la maravillosa historia que tienen que ver.

    me inspire en la serie AVATAR componer varios temas con la esencia de cada elemento, ya, que esta serie me impacto mucho en mi niñez y ahora de adulto me ha impactado mas, la series esta llena de mucha filosofia, situaciones que realmente te hacen pensar en lo mal que estamos haciendo los seres humanos, te hacen ver el lado mas bonito que tenemos y tambien ellado mas cruel, aunque parezca que es una serie para niños (que si lo es) si prestas mucha atencion puedes captar todo el conocimiento que te brindala serie para nutrirnos de ellay a las vez entretenertede una forma muy hermosa e increible .

    para este tema llamado fuego (que seria el elemento que escogi para componer) esta lleno de rebeldia, rudesa, fuerza y sentimientos, escogi el genero rock (digamosle rock progresivo) ya que el mismo elemento representa una serie de cambios como ya lo he mencionado y como el rock tiene todas esta caracteristicas, alli esta el resultado de lo que ha salido.

    para finalizar, AVATAR es mi serie favorita y la verdad que vale mucho la pena verla, entenderla y analizarla, esta llena de escenarios increibles y una animacion muy brutal,si la vez y te gusto hazmelo saber pormediante los comentarios.


    this time I bring you one of the themes of the seire of theme that I am composing inspired by the series of avatar, I proposed to compose a theme for each element or each fundamental representation of the series, ( for those who have already seen avatar know what it is about) or if you do not know I explain, Avatar is an animated series about ancient masters who can control the natural elements of nature such as water, earth, fire and air or some of the unnatural elements that are composed of these, this is a short summary for the wonderful story they have to do.

    I was inspired by the series AVATAR to compose several themes with the essence of each element, since this series impacted me a lot in my childhood and now as an adult it has impacted me more, the series is full of a lot of philosophy, situations that really make you think about how badly we humans are doing, They make you see the most beautiful side we have and also the cruelest side, although it seems that it is a series for children (which it is) if you pay much attention you can capture all the knowledge that gives you the series to nourish us from ellay at the same time entertain you in a very beautiful and incredible way.

    For this song called fire (which would be the element I chose to compose) it is full of rebellion, rudeness, strength and feelings, I chose the rock genre (let's say progressive rock) since the same element represents a series of changes as I have already mentioned and since rock has all these characteristics, there is the result of what has come out.

    to finish, AVATAR is my favorite series and the truth is that it is worth to see it, understand it and analyze it, it is full of incredible scenarios and a very brutal animation, if you see it and you like it let me know through the comments.

    • muchas gracias por escuchar y leer, que raava te guie en tu camino. <3

    • thank you very much for listening and reading, may raava guide you on your way. <3



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    • Join the Discord server of havisicians, a community created only for musicians, you can share your tanlento with us https://discord.gg/CKNJXhB

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