NEW TRICK "Half cab 180 Fs 50-50"🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]


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    Published on Aug 02, 2023
    About :

    Hello friends how are you?
    Today I share another new trick, yesterday I shared my cavalry fs noseslide and right after doing that trick I took advantage of the adrenaline and with the same movement I put this trick to the test.

    Hola, amigos como estan?
    Hoy les comparto otro truco nuevo, ayer les comparti mi caballerial fs noseslide y justo despues de hacer ese truco aproveche la adrenalina y con el mismo movimiento puse a prueba este truco.

    The trick is to do a half cab 180 and fall at Fs 50-50 at first I found it very difficult but thanks to cavalry fs noseslide it gave me a little more confidence, I say this when popping.

    El truco es hacer un half cab 180 y caer en Fs 50-50 al principio lo vi muy dificil pero gracias a caballerial fs noseslide me dio un poco mas de confianza, esto lo digo a la hora de hacer el pop.

    I know I have to improve it but the important thing is that I could drop it, after I master this trick I know I can do it with fs 5-0 or fs smith maybe.

    Se que debo mejorarlo pero lo importante es que lo pude caer, despues que domine este truco se que podre hacerlo con fs 5-0 o fs smith quizas.

    Enjoy the video.

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    skatehive skateboard spanish palnet neoxian sportstalk pob vyb archon proofofbrain

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