Hello friends how are you?
I think all skaters always have their list of tricks that we like, but we think it would be chaos to try them. In my case one of those tricks is the FS BIGSPIN.
Hola, amigos como estan?
Todos los skaters creo que siempre tenemos nuestra lista de trucos que nos gustan, pero pensamos que seria un caos intentarlos. En mi caso uno de esos trucos es el FS BIGSPIN.
It seems like a very elegant but difficult trick at the same time, today I wanted to take the afternoon just to see if I could get one. It took hours but I won't give every attempt.
Me parece un truco muy elegante pero dificil al mismo tiempo, hoy me quise tomar la tarde solamente para ver si podia conseguir uno. Tarde horas pero no pondre todos los intentos.
The first attempts were difficult for me to adapt to the movement and after so many hours I was able to get at least one. To be honest with you, I don't think I'll try this trick again.
Los primeros intentos me costo adaptarme al movimiento y despues de tantas horas pude conseguir al menos uno. Siendo sincero con ustedes no creo que vuelta a intentar este truco de nuevo.
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