I never would have imagined the amount of stress I needed to go through just to publish this video but thank goodness and also, pardon the quality you see there, i recorded with a digital camera but while trying to export, I noticed my video software wasn't compatible with the '.avi' video format so I had to download a separate software that'll help me convert these clips from avi to MP4 which lead to the reduction in quality but either ways, lesson learnt!.
Remember some time ago on my previous blog, I talked about the incredible cyclist who made my day?. well last friday, I attended the Bike-x event where different bikers came from around the States to make performances!
This was my first time attending the Bike-x event and it was a memorable one indeed, you could tell from a far distance immediately you spot the fleet of BMX bikes literally littered on the floor, it looked really cool anyway and it sends a signal to you that something is obviously cooking around the premise with bikers.
It was an open occasion so everyone was free to watch and even participate if they are willing to after all there were more than enough spare bikes on ground for anyone and they were prizes attach to the event on any tournament you could do well but to save myself from injuries and disgrace I reserved myself in the audience.
Now, I do not know where to start cutting this cake but believe me, it was a wonderful show despite the fact that I arrived bit late, I was opportune to see some of the events like,
In this part of the event, it was a competition of both BMX riders and normal bikers challenging themselves on who could beat certain obstacles from level to level. By jumping over certain obstacles and objects without kicking them off or displacing from their positions.
Every biker was given two chances to try but with a reduced xp point if he or she misses her very first attempt, yes every decision and xp point allocation were made by the Bike-x judges so the points were professionally allocated.
This were series of stunts and special tricks that I believe the bikers were instructed to do one after the other in series and points were distributed in accordance to how perfect a biker was able to pull off those tricks and stunts, landing, wheeling, stability and flawlessness were the most important factors that would determine your XP on this very tournament and at the end of the day, the biker with the most point xp's won a prize for himself.
This was the most exciting part of it all believe me, it was a session where every biker was given just 90 seconds (1 min 30 seconds) to show us what they got in their boxes.
And this is the very part which I made a video of and you'll find it attached to this post somewhere above or below the post.
This very biker you see in that video with a red bike happen to be the grand winner of he overall events of the day as he scored the highest xp amongst other bikers and he goes by the name "Alex"
At the very first entrance, he did a couple of back wheels and switches with his hands, and when he was informed that he got just 60 seconds more, we don't know how he managed to pull of the front wheel of the bike while riding and using the wheel for stunt, this was really attractive and genius of him and he really pulled the crowd. I guess this was what made him the grand winner.
The second grand winner happen to be a guy who was identified as "Lemon" by name and he wasn't even putting on a single strip of lemon 😂 rather he is the guy on blue trousers.
In conclusion, the event was an amazing one and I was super excited to be there even though I didn't take part, I felt blessed to see people who were so cool on bikes with numerous and mind-blowing tricks. This alone has also motivated me to get a bike and start breaking my legs a little because I know it won't be an easy task learning to be a bmx'er.
Long last the day was over and at this time, every single bike was up and running, you dare not walk around the premise carelessly else you may find yourself in a serious injury, haha just over exaggerating but the whole arena got littered with people riding and doing all sort of tricks that you wont know which to focus on so i took the bus and headed back home.
That was all for me day and I want to say a special thanks to God and you too for reading up the post to this point. Stay blessed and keep cycling 😊❤️.
References :
all images are mine!
video shot by me compiled using capcut 😊❤️.
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