The snow is mostly gone from around here but the lower half of my driveway is a no-go for me still. Last week I wanted to post THIS post, but I was using a brand new game and it was pretty funny how clueless I was using it. I stayed up late, but I was still swinging trees around and knocking myself in the head and just fumbling through the game!
I gave up on trying to post last week and just decided to try again the next day and see how successful I'd be. I'm so glad I tried again (I was seriously tempted to give up!) because the game has just become one of those really sweet, relaxing, fun, mellow-out games! I was really impressed with how immersive the game was. I have to admit that the first time I played (knowing how to use the controls) I got a little dizzy as this entire world opened around me!
But the thing that really touched me - is the application that this game could have for people who aren't able to go out and explore anymore. Maybe illness, or paralysis, or amputation has them bound to a chair or bed. Sure, they can come up with solutions! But sometimes, the solutions are just as hard to manage - and they end up feeling trapped in their own environment.
I used this headset - sitting in my bed, and using the controls to navigate - just to see if it was similar to moving around a bit more in my room - and the answer is YES. As a matter of fact, sometimes I simply choose to sit down and enjoy it!
I wanted to give some screenshots for people who didn't want to actually try to watch the video - but the pictures only give a very basic feel to it. The video takes kicks it up a notch, but the actual experience is obviously the BEST. Do try to find someone that can let you try their Oculus hehehe You will really get addicted to it!
For those who'd like to watch the video, here is a timestamp for you!
0:00 Load game
0:08 Exit tent on Homestead
0:20 View elements on Homestead
1:10 Water garden
2:05 View boundaries of land
3:50 utilize camera on hip
4:30 Navigate to Farmer's Market
5:00 Explore booths at Farmer's Market
9:10 Navigate to new land
9:45 Walk and explore, forage and find critters
20:00 Chasing a fast moving crab LOL
21:25 Back to sell all that we've found
22:35 Watering garden before saving game
24:05 Peace, my lovely homestead!
This was a very different sort of entry for #WednesdayWalk, the super-fun community created by @tattoodjay that helps us explore the world through posts! hehehe I know this post is not traditional but I do hope that there might be people out there that read this and see this as a fun option to "feel" what it's like to explore again. It can't be a substitute for the real thing obviously, but it might just help a little. Enjoy!
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