Saludos mi querida comunidad de Soundmusic!
Quiero presentarles este cover que hice de Es demasiado tarde de Ana Gabriel que grabé que me encanta!
Hablemos primero de Ana Gabriel, una mujer con mas de 50 años de trayectoria que nunca pasará de moda, con canciones increibles que marcan muchisimo como la de "Simplemente amigos" y la del "Talisman" o canciones para dedicar de despecho como "Tu lo decidiste". Una cantante mexicana con raices chinas por su madre. De verdad una gran artista.
Este genero musical ranchero me encanta porque son canciones que simplemente se sienten desde alma y que hablan desde las experiencias vividas y mal vividas tambien.
Pero lo que mas me llama es que me trae de recuerdo a uno de mis bistios cuando se ponia cantar siempre este tipo de musica, mi tio tiene una voz bellisima que asi conquistaba a sus chicas pero tambien en cada reunion familiar, cada salida familiar, en los cumpleaños el siempre estaba alli cantando a todas sus sobrinas asus hermanas coon su sojos azules y eso era tan bonito.
Hace ya mucho tiempo que no lo veo claro y me hace extrañar mucho estos tiempos que pase cuando estaba niña.
Cada ranchera o cada mariachi que escucho es enseguida que me viene el recuerdo a la mente y de verdad que para es algo super especial y emotivo ya que mi familia para mi lo es todo.
Desde niña me inculcaron que la familia es primero y que pase lo que pase siempre sera familia y de verdad tener tantos recuerdos que nos crearon de niños me hace querer revivirlos y recrearlos para mi hijo tambien en algun momento.
Aqui les dejo un pedacito de la letra:
Yo no te guardo rencor
Pero tampoco amor
De ti ya nada queda
No niego fue mucho mi dolor
Pero eso ya paso
Mejor ya nunca vuelvas
Solo espero que entiendas que un amor
Se debe de cuidar y no jugar con nadie
Porque yo te daba mi querer y aun sin merecer
No te dolió dejarme
Ahora vuelves, buscando mi calor
Diciendo que jamás lograste olvidarme
Pero yo te aclaro de una vez
Lo debes de entender, es demasiado tarde
Greetings my dear Soundmusic community!
I want to present to you this cover I made of It's Too Late by Ana Gabriel that I recorded that I love!
Let's talk first about Ana Gabriel, a woman with more than 50 years of experience who will never go out of style, with incredible songs that make a big difference like "Simply Friends" and "Talisman" or songs to dedicate out of spite like "You decided it." A Mexican singer with Chinese roots from her mother. Truly a great artist.
I love this ranchero musical genre because they are songs that are simply felt from the soul and that speak from experiences lived and badly lived as well.
But what appeals to me the most is that it reminds me of one of my best songs when he always sang this type of music, my uncle has a beautiful voice that is how he conquered his girls but Also at every family reunion, every family outing, on birthdays he was always there singing to all his nieces and sisters with his blue eyes and that was so beautiful.
I haven't seen it clearly for a long time now and it makes me really miss these times when I was a child.
Every ranchera or every mariachi that I listen to is the memory that immediately comes to mind and it really is something super special and emotional since my family is everything to me.
Since I was a child they instilled in me that family comes first and that no matter what happens it will always be family and truly having so many memories that were created for us as children makes me want to relive them and recreate them for my son also in some time.
Here is a small piece of the lyrics:
I don't hold a grudge against you
But neither is love
Nothing remains of you anymore
I don't deny my pain was a lot
But that already happened
You better never come back
I just hope you understand that a love
You should take care and not play with anyone
Because I gave you my love and even without deserving
It didn't hurt you to leave me
Now you come back, looking for my warmth
Saying that you never managed to forget me
But I will clarify once and for all
You must understand, it is too late
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