Good morning fellow hive and SWC, I'm Brayan @Hidekinagatari, This time I bring you my return to training legs, which I have not been training since last year, and the truth is that I had not been doing it because of laziness, but I decided to return to train them for health, because having strong legs will not only help you look better, but also in your daily life, and the stronger they are, the better performance we will have in our daily life since what we do the most is walking, so training my legs again will help me in my daily life to be able to do better the things I do without feeling so tired or exhaustion in my legs. It is worth mentioning that this is a short and simple routine since as I said before, I have not been training them for months so I don't want to do intense workouts yet so I don't have so much pain and adapt to the training again, so little by little I will be increasing repetitions, exercises, series, and I will be sharing with you the routines I will be doing 💪🏼.
En esta rutina trabajaremos 4 ejercicios sencillos y con poco peso, pero eventualmente haremos una sobrecarga progresiva para ir aumentando las cargas y repeticiones. Los descansos entre series son 40" segundos entre series y entre ejercicio 2" minutos 💪🏼.
In this routine we will work 4 simple exercises with little weight, but eventually we will make a progressive overload to increase the loads and repetitions. The rests between sets are 40" seconds between sets and 2" minutes between exercises 💪🏼.
Ejercicio 1:
Sentadilla con 20kg - 10 repeticiones x4 series.
Ejercicio 2:
Peso muerto con 20kg - 10 repeticiones x4 series.
Ejercicio 3:
Zancadas - 8 repeticiones de cada lado x4 series.
Ejercicio 4:
Elevación de pantorrillas con 20kg - 15 repeticiones x4 series.
Exercise 1:
Squat with 20kg - 10 repetitions x4 sets.
Exercise 2:
Deadlift with 20kg - 10 repetitions x4 sets.
Exercise 3:
Strides - 8 repetitions on each side x4 sets.
Exercise 4:
Calf raises with 20kg - 15 repetitions x4 sets.
Bueno compañeros, está fue toda la rutina que les comparto el día hoy, espero que les guste, dado que estoy retornando este entrenamiento iré poco a poco aumentando el peso, ya que el año pasado levantaba muchísimo peso con las piernas así que espero volver a retomar esos pesos. Muchas gracias.👋🏽
Well fellows, this was all the routine that I share with you today, I hope you like it, since I am returning to this training I will gradually increase the weight, since last year I lifted a lot of weight with my legs so I hope to return to resume those weights. Thank you very much.👋🏽
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