There's this friend of mine whom I was so obsessed about. Infact, all my daily activities had 70% credit of her.
Infact forever together was just the watch word we both hung on the walls of our heart and if I say she was the love of my life as at that time, would it mean I am being too emotional or would itmean I am making the obsession of me about her get to it's highest high. (lol)
It used to be that whatever happens that hurts her, I'll be the one she would prefer lending a shoulder from to cry on.
Long story made short....
We both grew up. We realized the bond was slowly beginning to get more stronger and then this song Running to you by Chike, one of my favorite artist dropped. Myself and my friend, we so loved and cherished the song.
I couldn't think of any other song to use for this week's Hive Open Mic than this song, so I made a bass cover of it.
My mini combo which I use to amplify the sound of my bass got faulty and it got stressed before I could record and complete one song. I just hope you give your heart to the flows of the song. And please, do make use of headset.
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