Tips para sobrevivir Enero sin morir en el intento [ESP-ENG]


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    Published on Jan 20, 2023
    About :

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    Enero es un mes con energía de inicios, cambios y posibilidades, al ser un mes tan importante en el año, lo ideal es aprovecharlo lo mas que se pueda, pero a su vez, Enero a veces nos puede parecer un poco cuesta arriba, así que para no abrumarnos demás y ser productivos en lo que queda de mes, les dejo estos tips para sobrevivir en enero sin morir en el intento.

    Este tema tan genial fue planteado en el #ThreeShortFriday de esta semana y no me lo quería perder, así que acá les dejo mi aporte, espero les guste y mas allá de eso, espero les sea útil en sus vidas. Dale play al video y nos vemos en los comentarios 😁

    Buena vibra!✨



    January is a month with energy of beginnings, changes and possibilities, being such an important month in the year, the ideal is to take advantage of it as much as possible, but at the same time, January can sometimes seem a little uphill, so to not overwhelm us and be productive in what is left of the month, I leave these tips to survive in January without die trying.

    This great topic was brought up in this week's #ThreeShortFriday and I didn't want to miss it, so here's my contribution, I hope you like it and beyond that, I hope it will be useful in your lives.

    Tips to survive January

    Work on your clarity

    January is one of the best months to reformulate our habits, goals and objectives, since the beginning of the year motivates us to start new processes.

    Analyze what you want to invest your time and energy in, for that I recommend you to use a Journal where you can write down your reflections, this can be physical or virtual, for this you have applications like Day One or Notion.

    Set goals, but not too many

    In January we usually set many goals, but this is a mistake because it creates a lot of pressure on ourselves, therefore, only focus on a maximum of three crucial goals for the first quarter of the year, this will help you feel less pressure, stress or anxiety, so you can meet your goals with a calmer and fuller attitude.

    Be compassionate with yourself

    Strive to be consistent with your habits, but on the day you can't accomplish them all, be compassionate with yourself. Demanding too much of ourselves can sometimes lead us to throw up the towel and give up, so learning to be compassionate with ourselves is something very important to face life and achieve our goals

    I hope these tips are useful to you. See you next time ✨

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    ✨ You can also follow me on my music account @oripenalver

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