(Foto tomadas en mi celular Redmi S2 por @ovelperez82)
Hola, paseándome por aquí de nuevo con un contenido audiovisual en mi espacio en @threespek y para Full Deportes, hoy les traigo una rutina que decidí poner en práctica para tonificar los brazos. Bíceps, tríceps y hombros; músculos que trabajo en mi video divididos en tres series de 10 repeticiones para cada ejercicio, dejando una pausa de 30 segundos entre cada serie. Hoy es primera vez que entreno estos músculos y decidí hacerlo al aire libre, ha sido distinta la experiencia con un poco más de libertad y motivación, menos calor que en otros contenidos en los que he entrenado dentro de mi hogar. Los bíceps, tríceps y hombros son la presentación frontal de toda persona por eso más allá de buscar masa muscular solo quiero irlos moldeando; como no tengo las pesas de un gimnasio practico con dos botellas llenas de agua al mismo nivel, los invito a ver el video.
Hello, strolling around here again with an audiovisual content in my space in @threespek and for Full Deportes, today I bring you a routine that I decided to put into practice to tone the arms. Biceps, triceps and shoulders; muscles that I work in my video divided into three sets of 10 repetitions for each exercise, leaving a 30-second pause between each set. Today is the first time I train these muscles and I decided to do it outdoors, it has been a different experience with a little more freedom and motivation, less heat than in other contents in which I have trained inside my home. The biceps, triceps and shoulders are the front presentation of every person so beyond looking for muscle mass I just want to go shaping them; as I do not have the weights of a gym I practice with two bottles full of water at the same level, I invite you to watch the video.Hello, strolling around here again with an audiovisual content in my space in @threespek and for Full Deportes, today I bring you a routine that I decided to put into practice to tone the arms. Biceps, triceps and shoulders; muscles that I work in my video divided into three sets of 10 repetitions for each exercise, leaving a 30-second pause between each set. Today is the first time I train these muscles and I decided to do it outdoors, it has been a different experience with a little more freedom and motivation, less heat than in other contents in which I have trained inside my home. The biceps, triceps and shoulders are the front presentation of every person so beyond looking for muscle mass I just want to go shaping them; as I do not have the weights of a gym I practice with two bottles full of water at the same level, I invite you to watch the video.
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