Si, sé que ha pasado tiempo desde que les hice un video, pero créanme (si, sé que es difícil xD) pero mi dulce y delicada voz, abandono este peludo cuerpo por culpa de la gripe, así que por eso y mucho malestar en mi afelpado, sexy y escultural cuerpo tuve que tomar vacaciones forzadas… pero hoy no vinimos a quejarnos de eso… hoy vinimos a quejarnos de agenda que todos ven, muchos critican pero nadie habla…
Tampoco voy a decir que vengo a criticarla xD, lo que cada quien desee hacer con sus orificios a mí me vale 4 millones de hectáreas de VERGA, solo vengo para expresar la conversación unilateral que tuvo conmigo una amistad cercana de Agapito, mientras estaba sin poder hablar me toco escucharlo y mientras hablaba sin parar (no soporto a las personas que no se callan… ) me comento que se preocupaba que la feminización del hombre hoy es un punto que lo preocupa para tener un hijo.
Si bien entiendo que hoy existen influencias para feminizar la figura masculina, también sé que no es nuevo y aunque tuve muchas ganas de callarle la boca explicándole al pequeño bastardo que si su hijo le salía no sería culpa de él o del sistema sobre exponiendo a experiencias innecesarias, seria culpa del pollo del C.L.A.P. (¿así no es la cosa? )
Pero… acaso importa realmente los medios para definir los gustos de un niño? Si entiendo que somos seres sociales y dependemos de un entorno… pero antes el entorno era igual y no se veía tanto… o quizás era solo eso… “No se veía”, pero siempre estuvo presente?… Que opinas sobre esto? ¿Acaso la comunidad solo ha estado en silencio durante mucho tiempo y ahora solo quiere salir a la luz aprovechando la masificación absurda de contenido y bajo esa premisa y han explotado su feminidad reprimida al máximo? O evidentemente es una puta agenda que nos quiere volver gay a todo…
Creo que la segunda no le afectaría en nada a mi delicado agujero xD espero ver sus opiniones! Un abrazo peludo, y nos vemos en un próximo video!
Para los traumados con las referencias, que sé que son un montón, acá se las dejo ;) Si señores con traumas existenciales, tuve que colocar referencias de youtube porque obviamente no existe referencias de conciertos, ni de monos chinos, ni de niños gatos con trajes de cuero en otro sitio… igual se usan como ejemplos de una realidad existente…
“Y la queso” By La Veneno…
Portada realizada en Canva versión para pobres LoL
! [English version]
Is the Agenda Making Us Gay? (English subtitles)
Yes, I know it's been a while since I made a video for you, but believe me (yes, I know it's hard xD), my sweet and delicate voice left this furry body due to the flu, so because of that and a lot of discomfort in my furry, sexy, and sculptural body, I had to take forced vacations... but today we didn't come to complain about that... today we came to talk about an agenda that everyone sees, many criticize, but nobody talks about.
I'm not going to say I'm here to criticize it xD, what everyone wants to do with their orifices is worth 4 million hectares of DICK to me. I'm just here to express the one-sided conversation I had with a close friend of Agapito, while I couldn't speak, I had to listen to him, and while he kept talking (I can't stand people who don't shut up...), he told me that he was worried about the feminization of men today and how it worries him in terms of having a child.
While I understand that there are influences to feminize the male figure today, I also know it's not new, and although I really wanted to shut his mouth and explain to the little bastard that if his child turned out a certain way, it wouldn't be his fault or the system's fault by overexposing them to unnecessary experiences, it would be the fault of the C.L.A.P. chicken (Isn't that how it goes?)
But... does the means to define a child's preferences really matter? I understand that we are social beings and depend on our environment... but before, the environment was the same, and it wasn't as visible... or maybe it was just that... "It wasn't visible," but it was always there? What do you think about this? Has the community been silent for a long time and now just wants to come out in the open, taking advantage of the absurd massification of content, and under that premise, have they fully embraced their repressed femininity? Or is it obviously just an agenda that wants to make us all gay?
I think the second option wouldn't affect my delicate hole in any way xD. I look forward to hearing your opinions! A furry hug, and see you in the next video!
Source for Images
For those traumatized by the references, which I know are many, here they are:
- "Y la queso" By La Veneno Short
- Short
- Short
- Short
- Background
- Music
- Cover created in Canva, the version for the poor, LoL
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