La qué fué mi Perla Adorada. 🐕🥀💔. What was my Adored Pearl. 🐕🥀💔.


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    Published on Dec 06, 2022
    About :

    Hola a todos, me presento en esta hermosa comunidad para lo cual no pensé nunca hacerlo en estás circunstancias ya que hoy hacen 4 días perdí a mi adorada "Perlita" una hermosa poodle de tan solo 5 añitos de edad.

    Hello everyone, I introduce myself in this beautiful community for which I never thought to do it in these circumstances because 4 days ago today I lost my beloved "Perlita" a beautiful poodle of only 5 years old.


    Les contaré...

    I will tell you...

    Hacen ya 4 años, un 14 de noviembre llegó a mi casa una perrita en brazos de una amiga que me lo había prometido un mes atrás ya que hacía ese mismo tiempo también había fallecido un poodle caniche que teníamos desde hacían ya 6 años y la persona que la estaba dando en adopción se iría del país.

    Four years ago, on November 14, a puppy arrived at my house in the arms of a friend who had promised me a month ago, since a poodle poodle that we had had for 6 years had also passed away and the person who was giving her up for adoption was leaving the country.


    Esa noche al bajar a Perla del carro dónde la traían enseguida se avalanzó a los brazos de mi esposo como si lo conociera de toda la vida, es curioso el aspecto que ella traía ya que la trajeron sucia y con muchos nudos en su pelaje y con todo y eso me pareció la cosita más hermosa que me había obsequiado; recuerdo perfectamente las 3 indicaciones que me dieron esa noche:
    1- Que la llamara pos su nombre que era Perla.
    2- Que le encantaba comer pan y por último que hacía sus necesidades fuera de casa.

    That night when they took Perla out of the car where they were bringing her, she immediately jumped into my husband's arms as if she had known him all her life, it is curious the aspect she had since they brought her dirty and with many knots in her fur and with all that I thought she was the most beautiful thing that he had given me; I remember perfectly the 3 indications they gave me that night:
    1- That I should call her by her name, which was Perla.
    2- That she loved to eat bread and lastly that she did her business outside the house.



    Durante las 2 primeras noches fué mucho lo que lloró pegada a la reja ya que estaba con 4 desconocidos en aquella casa, llamé a mi amiga para decirle que lo sentía mucho y que tendría que llevársela de vuelta ya que se enfermaría de tanto llorar.

    During the first 2 nights she cried a lot as she was with 4 strangers in that house, I called my friend to tell her that I was very sorry and that I would have to take her back because she would get sick from crying so much.

    Ella no quiso, me dijo que buscará la forma de distraerla que se adaptaría a estar con nosotros donde tendría amor de sobra.

    She didn't want to, she told me to find a way to distract her that she would adjust to being with us where she would have love to spare.


    El tiempo fué pasando y 5 días después de haber llegado a su nuevo hogar, Perlita estaba cumpliendo su 2do año de vida, fue muy divertido ya que era primera vez que teníamos una hembra, debido a que siempre nuestras mascotas fueron machos, la llevamos a la peluquería canina y la dejaron hermosa; lastima que muchas fotos de la torta no las tenemos debido a que el teléfono de mi hija se dañó.

    Time went by and 5 days after she arrived to her new home, Perlita was celebrating her 2nd year of life, it was very funny because it was the first time we had a female, since our pets were always males, we took her to the dog groomer and they made her beautiful; it's a pity that we don't have many pictures because my daughter's phone got damaged.



    Al cabo de un tiempo ya todos estábamos adecuados a ella, a sus gustos, a sus mañas, se adueñó por completo de la silla de la computadora que era donde dormía con su cobijita, había que llevarla a todos lados en el carro, ella al escuchar la palabra vamonos, mostrarle su correa de paseo y uno de sus vestidos ya era saber que era un paseo seguro y a nosotros nos encantaba llevarla a todos lados.

    After a while we were all adjusted to her, to her tastes, to her habits, she completely took over the computer chair which was where she slept with her blanket, we had to take her everywhere in the car, when she heard the word "let's go", showing her her leash and one of her dresses was already knowing that it was a safe ride and we loved to take her everywhere.


    Mi madre le confeccionaba sus vestidos que se los mostraré a continuación:

    My mother used to make her dresses, which I will show you below:


    Perla siempre fué la "bebé" de la casa para todo la tomábamos en cuenta, ir de paseo a la playa, al río, al parque, a todos lados.

    Perla was always the "baby" of the house for everything we took her into account, going for walks to the beach, to the river, to the park, everywhere.



    Fué hasta hace una semana cuando comenzó a sentirse mal del estómago y pensábamos que era sólo un simple malestar estomacal, pero no fue así ya que al llevarla al veterinario nos dicen que tenía un problema en el hígado debido a la Parvovirosis, de inmediato cumplimos con su tratamiento basado en antibióticos, probióticos,protector gástrico, suero oral, entre otros...pero no funcionó; ya que estaba muy descompensada y deshidratada y hasta la fuerza para sostenerse había perdido y se le había bajado la hemoglobina.

    It was until a week ago when she began to feel sick to her stomach and we thought it was just a simple stomach upset, but it was not so because when we took her to the vet they told us that she had a liver problem due to Parvovirus, we immediately complied with her treatment based on antibiotics, probiotics, gastric protector, oral serum, among others ... but it did not work, as she was very unbalanced and dehydrated and even the strength to hold herself had lost and her hemoglobin had been lowered.


    Más era el tiempo que pasaba echada en su sillita, hasta que hace 4 días no quiso levantarse más y solo con sus ojitos era que se comunicaba con nosotros como queriendo nos decir ya no puedo más y nos miraba con mucha tristeza.

    More was the time she spent lying in her little chair, until 4 days ago she didn't want to get up anymore and only with her little eyes she communicated with us as if she wanted to tell us I can't do it anymore and she looked at us with sadness.

    Me le acerqué la acaricié, le pedí que no se durmiera y salí a comprar pan y luego de 3 minutos volví y no me esperó...ya se había marchado.

    I approached her, caressed her, asked her not to go to sleep and went out to buy bread and after 3 minutes I came back and she didn't wait for me...she had already left.

    Fue un momento muy doloroso al lado de mis hijas y mi esposo ya que nos despediríamos de nuestra bebé; la cubrimos con su sabanita la envolvimos en un forro plástico y la llevamos a sepultar en nuestro patio y hasta ahora no hay un momento en que no la recordemos; no saben cuánto extraño sus ladridos pidiendo agua, el llanto para q la sacarán a hacer pis, el jugar con ella a las escondidas, entre otras cosas que nos han hecho muchísima falta.

    It was a very painful moment with my daughters and my husband as we were saying goodbye to our baby; we covered her with her blanket, wrapped her in a plastic sheet and took her to bury her in our backyard and until now there is not a moment when we do not remember her; you do not know how much I miss her barking for water, crying to be taken out to pee, playing hide and seek with her, among other things that we have missed so much.


    Gracias por visitar, hasta ahora nos quedan 6 conejitos y 1 morrocoyita de las cuales les hablaré en una próxima oportunidad.

    Thanks for visiting, so far we have 6 bunnies and 1 morrocoyita which I will tell you about in a future opportunity.


    • El texto es completamente de mi autoría
    • The text is entirely by me

    • Traducción realizada con DeepL Traslate
    • Translation using DeepL Traslate

    • Cámara: Tecno Pop 4
    • Camera: Tecno Pop 4

    • Editor de Video: CapCut
    • Video Editor: CapCut
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