Today was a spectacular day because I took a walk with my best friend Jose, he always accompanies me on my adventures! we live about 150km away and he decided to stay at home for a couple of days to go out with me to do some trails in one day we traveled more than 100km both on foot and by car, from the highest of the mountain to the albufeira lagoon which is a place where the sado river mixes with the atlantic! I also prepared a video-drone for you, I hope you enjoy my post!🤩💥💚
Hoy fue un dia espectacular porque realice un paseo con mi mejor amigo Jose, el siempre me acompaña en mis aventuras! vivimos a unos 150km y decidio quedarse en casa un par de dias para salir conmigo a realizar unos senderos en un dia recorrimos mas de 100km tanto caminando como en carro, desde lo mas alto de la montaña hasta la laguna de albufeira que es un sitio donde el rio sado se mezcla con el atlantico! tambien prepare un video-drone para ti espero disfrutes de mi post!💯🚙🌍🌏

Our adventure would begin in an abandoned fort on the Atlantic coast that was formerly a military base, here we would take some photographs and record some shots with the drone, then we would go southwest to reach the Albufeira lagoon where we would pass through the mountain range and thus be able to compare the beauty of the natural landscapes of Portugal these trails were not new to me! I had already traveled them alone but for Jose there would be two new adventures👨🧑
nuestra aventura comenzaria en un fuerte abandonado en la costa atlantica que antiguamente era una base militar, aqui nos tomariamos unas fotografias y grabaria unas tomas con el drone, luego iriamos en el sentido suroeste para llegar a la laguna de albufeira donde pasariamos por medio de la sierra montañosa y asi lograr comparar la belleza de los paisajes naturales de Portugal estos senderos no eran nuevos para mi! ya los habia recorrido solo pero para Jose serian dos nuevas aventuras🧗♂️🚣♀️🚵♂️🚴♂️

I think that choosing Jose as an adventure partner is a plus of enjoyment and fun, he is one of those people who always says YES! All in all, despite being well received by the company of my family, I believe that there is always a person who identifies with you in an activity and over time I have learned that an activity is more enjoyable that way! there is not a day where I am not impressed by a landscape of Portugal in each activity I get something new to explore, today I discovered for example a cave that I will leave for a next post! the weather favored us a bit, it was a pleasant sun and suddenly the weather changed for an intense breeze!😮😮
Creo que escoger a Jose como compañero de aventura es un plus de disfrute y diversion el es de aquellas personas que siempre dice SI! a todo, apesar de ser bien recibida la compañia de mi familia creo que siempre hay una persona que se identifica contigo en una actividad y con el tiempo e aprendido que asi se disfruta mas una actividad! no hay un dia donde no me impresione un paisaje de Portugal en cada actividad me consigo con algo nuevo para explorar, hoy descubri por ejemplo una cueva que dejare para un proximo post! el clima nos favorecio un poco hizo un sol agradable y de pronto el clima cambio para una brisa intensa!⛈🌕☀

I think that little by little I am showing a certain weakness for entering caves and learning to explore them, I have already hiked in some but they were superficial in our adventure today I saw some that were not only superficial they had levels to descend a few meters under the earth but I am responsible and Since I don't feel prepared, I won't risk it yet! the "serra da arrabida" has hundreds of kilometers to explore, and I have made more than 12 trails from 2km to 20km! there are many things to discover here.🕵️♂️🕵️♂️
Creo que poco a poco estoy mostrando cierta debilidad por entrar en cuevas y aprender a explorarlas, ya excursione en algunas pero eran superficiales en nuestra aventura de hoy vi algunas que no solo eran superficiales tenian niveles para descender algunos metros bajo la tierra pero soy responsable y como no me siento preparado no arriesgare aun! la "serra da arrabida" tiene cientos de kilometros para explorar, e realizado mas de 12 senderos desde 2km hasta 20km! hay muchas cosas por descubrir aqui.🧭🌏

It's a shame that I can't explore more often because I have a herniated disc that makes it impossible for me to do many things, but I try to do my best to always bring the best content here to hive! I had the idea of creating this post with a mixture of water and soil because Portugal is currently going through a hydrological crisis, there are many areas that are in a state of emergency due to the low rainfall, the flowers are opening a month early as a result of the change climate! my video is a reflection to take care of these beautiful environments!⛔❗
Es una pena que no pueda explorar mas seguido porque tengo una hernia discal que me imposibilita hacer muchas cosas, pero trato de dar mi maximo para siempre traer el mejor contenido aqui a hive! tuve la idea de crear este post con una mezcla de agua y tierra porque actualmente Portugal pasa por una crisis hidrologica, hay muchas zonas que estan en estado de emergencia debido a las pocas lluvias, las flores estan abriendo con un mes de anticipacion producto del cambio climatico! mi video es una reflexion para cuidar estos hermosos ambientes!❌💯

It was a great adventure to spend the day with a great friend and enjoy the beauties of nature, if you still don't know what country to visit in summer Portugal is waiting for you I can give you a good tour if you plan to stay in the south, if you are a lover from the Atlantic, pleasant beaches, mountainous landscapes, I recommend the south! If you are more of a fan of history, cities, and forests full of rivers, then the north will be your choice!💥💚💛
Fue una gran aventura pasar el dia con un gran amigo y disfrutar las bellezas de la naturaleza, si aun no sabes que pais visitar en verano Portugal esta a tu espera puedo darte un buen tour si te piensas hospedar en la zona sur, si eres amante del atlantico, playas agradables, paisajes montañosos te recomiendo el sur! si eres mas fan de historia, ciudad, y bosques llenos de rios entonces el norte sera tu eleccion! 🌍🧭🚩🚩

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