Recorrido gastronómico: Colonia Tovar | Un pedazo de Alemania en Venezuela [Esp][Eng]


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    Published on Jan 19, 2023
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    Saludos, queridos amigos de Hive Food. El día de hoy quiero compartirles la segunda parte de mi Tour to Colonia Tovar, Venezuela en el que les comente que traería una segunda parte que la dedicaría exclusivamente a la comida y aproveché de hacer el video en el que en su mayoría nos hablaban de parte de lo que vimos en ese increíble Tour al encantador poblado de la Colonia Tovar. Antes de comenzar quiero decirles que no me equivoqué con el inicio del video, así comenzó nuestro viaje gracias a nuestros maravillosos guías. Y la que tenía la mayor parte del bochinche, aunque no lo crean, no era yo, sino mi hermana que es tres veces más alborotada que yo. Sin más que decirles, espero que disfruten de esta deliciosa publicación.

    Greetings, dear friends of Hive Food. Today I want to share with you the second part of my Tour to Colonia Tovar, Venezuela in which I told you that I would bring a second part that would be dedicated exclusively to food and I took the opportunity to make the video in which most of what we saw in this incredible Tour to the charming town of Colonia Tovar. Before I start I want to tell you that I was not wrong with the beginning of the video, this is how our trip began thanks to our wonderful guides. And the one who had most of the bochinche, believe it or not, was not me, but my sister who is three times more rowdy than me. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this delightful publication.


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    Como ya lo saben, además del Tour hacia el sitio pagamos un paseo en Rústico por toda la Colonia Tovar, el paseo incluía visitas a varias fábricas ubicadas en el pueblo. La primera fábrica fue una de licores artesanales llamada Müsle Wein, aquí nos dieron a probarlos sabores que tenían disponible, en el que estaba uno semiseco a base de mora, muy rico, y tres semidulces a base de mora, uchuva y fresas. Mi favorito fue el de mora, y me compré una botella, la cual no hemos probado aún.

    As you already know, in addition to the Tour to the site we paid for a Rustico ride around Colonia Tovar, the ride included visits to several factories located in the town. The first factory was a handmade liqueur factory called Müsle Wein, here we were given a taste of the flavors they had available, including a semi-dry one based on blackberry, very tasty, and three semi-sweet ones based on blackberry, cape gooseberry and strawberries. My favorite was the blackberry, and I bought a bottle, which we haven't tried yet.


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    Luego seguimos en el Tour hacia el jardín de Hortensias, y una vez pasado el tiempo llegamos a mi sitio favorito: una fábrica de cervezas. En esta nos explicaron el proceso para hacer las cervezas, el cual está descrito en el video. También nos dieron a degustar un poco de cerveza de parchita, pero yo, aparte, me compré uno de mora porque me encanta. También estaba muy bueno y la parada estuvo chévere porque además nos sentamos un rato a descansar.

    Then we continued on the tour to the Hydrangea garden, and after some time we arrived at my favorite place: a brewery. Here they explained the process to make the beers, which is described in the video. They also gave us to taste some parchita beer, but I bought a blackberry one because I love it. It was also very good and the stop was great because we also sat down for a while to rest.


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    Y si dije que la fábrica de cervezas era mi sitio favorito, no diré nada de la fábrica de salchichas porque se que tengo un montón de amigos aquí bastante malpensados 😂. Pero esta, aparte de ser una fábrica de salchichas, tiene el Récord Guiness por la salchicha más larga del mundo. Tuvo una longitud de 15 Metros y pesó 498 KG. Aquí vendían unos pinchos, nos dieron a probar un pedacito de salchichas, que estaba muy rica, pero no quisimos comprar los pinchos porque costaban 5$, eran muy pequeños y ya se acercaba la hora del almuerzo. Mis tíos si compraron muchas salchichas para llevar, y aproveché de comer mucho.

    And if I said that the brewery was my favorite place, I won't say anything about the sausage factory because I know I have a lot of friends here who are quite ill-thinking 😂. But this one, apart from being a sausage factory, holds the Guinness Record for the longest sausage in the world. It had a length of 15 Meters and weighed 498 KG. Here they sold some skewers, they gave us to taste a little piece of sausage, which was very tasty, but we did not want to buy the skewers because they cost 5$, they were very small and it was getting close to lunch time. My uncles did buy a lot of sausages to take away, and I took advantage of eating a lot.

    A Almorzar / To Lunch

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    Y como estos tours están bien cronometrados, en cuanto terminamos por nuestro paseo de aproximadamente 3 horas en los rústicos, ya se había hecho la hora de comer. Nuestros guías nos recomendaron un sitio bueno, bonito y barato. En este sitio fue donde en realidad pudimos descansar bien, fuimos al baño,, cargamos los teléfonos y esperamos mucho por una mesa. Cuando estuvo lista nuestra mesa ya estabamos listos para pedir porque ya habíamos visto la carta.

    And since these tours are well timed, by the time we were done for our approximately 3 hour ride in the rustics, it was already time for lunch. Our guides recommended a good, nice and cheap place. It was in this place that we actually had a good rest, went to the bathroom, charged our phones and waited a long time for a table. When our table was ready we were ready to order because we had already seen the menu.

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    Y obviamente pedimos comida alemana, el precio era 4$ por una salchicha y 6$ por dos salchichas, podían ser, Polaca, Alemana y Mixta, que era una de cada una. Además, esto incluía dos contornos, que constaba de ensalada de papas y una ensalada de col, que estaba increíblemente deliciosa y amaría saber como se hace porque me encantó. Yo pedí una Polaca porque la Alemana suele ser picante y no quería sentirme mal luego de comer eso.

    And obviously we ordered German food, the price was $4 for one sausage and $6 for two sausages, they could be, Polish, German and Mixed, which was one of each. In addition, this included two side dishes, which consisted of potato salad and a coleslaw which was incredibly delicious and I would love to know how to make it because I loved it. I ordered a Polish one because the German one is usually spicy and I didn't want to feel bad after eating that.

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    Mi pobre padre, @hiramdo, estaba triste porque le tocó comer (es broma). Acompañamos nuestra comida con jugos de fresa con tomate de árbol que estaba delicioso, y mi papá se pidió un jugo de guanábana. A mi sobrino le sirvieron su salchicha acompañada de papas fritas, que es el plato infantil, solo porque pensaron que él no se comería la ensalada por ser niño, igual se disfrutó su comida y yo no dudé en robarle una papa frita en cuanto se descuidó, jajajaja.

    My poor dad, @hiramdo, was sad because he got to eat (just kidding). We accompanied our meal with strawberry juices with tree tomato which was delicious, and my dad ordered himself a soursop juice. My nephew was served his sausage with fries, which is the children's dish, just because they thought he wouldn't eat the salad because he was a kid, he still enjoyed his meal and I didn't hesitate to steal a fry from him as soon as he got careless, hahahaha.

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    food foodie vlog spanish comida factory pimp waivio fruits vegetal video

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