I am very happy friends, I had not been active uploading videos for several days in a row, I know that there will come times when I will not be able to share videos with you, because I will not have the time. But as I told you in previous posts, as long as I can skate and share videos for you, I will do it with a lot of love.
Estoy muy contento amigos, tenia tiempo que no estaba activo subiendo videos por varios dias seguidos, se que llegaran momentos en los cuales no les podre compartir videos, por que no tendre el tiempo. Pero como les dije en post anteriores mientras pueda patinar y compartir videos para ustedes lo hare con mucho amor.
I wanted to do Fs nosegrind today because I hadn't done it for a long time and this was one of my favorite tricks so after several attempts I was able to fall perfectly and I was able to go home happy, I hope you enjoy the video friends.
Queria hacer hoy Fs nosegrind porque tenia tiempo que no lo hacia y este era uno de mis trucos favoritos asi que despues de varios intentos lo pude caer perfectamente y pude irme contento a mi casa, espero que disfruten del video amigos.
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