Rutina poderosa de Hombros 馃挭馃敟馃敟 || Powerful Shoulders Routine 馃挭馃敟馃敟


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    Published on Jan 03, 2024
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    Hola hola amigos de @fulldeportes espero que ya esten mas activos por ac谩!! Los que a煤n no hab铆an empezado, espero que hoy si lo hayan hecho, recuerden que el cuerpo no sabe de d铆as jeje. Y ya diciembre pas贸, ya no hay mas recalentado馃槀馃槀 ppr mi parte yo me desped铆 anoche de la hallaca, hasta el pr贸ximo diciembre Dios mediante!! En cuanto al ejercicio hoy les comparto la segunda rutina del a帽o! Esta vez, una de hombros, que la verdad est谩 bastante buena!! Me dej贸 los hombros ardiendo 馃槀 asi que no duden de ponerla en practica!!!

    Yo no soy experta en la flexion vertical ni en el animal flow, (1ro y 2do ejercicio) pero precisamente por eso voy a agregarlos mas seguido a mis entrenamiemtos, y si hay un musculo qur trabajan estos dos movimientos son los hombros, sobretodo la flexion jeje pero si no puedes hacer ni un poco, puedes susotuirla por una flexion normal en la que tus hombros esten mucho mas adelante de tus manos y.asi trabajaras los hombros!!

    Vamos a hacer un total de 4 rondas, deacansando 2 minutos enre cada una, no olviden calentar antes y mantenerse bien hidratados antes, durante y despues del entrenamiento 馃挭馃挭

    Video grabado con mi Redmi 9
    Editado en capcut
    Portada editada en PicsArt
    Music by AlexGrohl from [Pixabay] (


    Hello hello @fulldeportes friends, I hope you are more active here! Those of you who haven't started yet, I hope today you have, remember that the body doesn't know about days hehe. And December is over, no more reheating馃槀馃槀 ppr my part I said goodbye last night to the hallaca, until next December God willing!!! As for exercise today I share with you the second routine of the year! This time, a shoulder one, which is actually pretty good!!! It left my shoulders on fire 馃槀 so don't hesitate to put it into practice!!!!!

    I'm not an expert in the vertical flexion nor in the animal flow, (1st and 2nd exercise) but that's precisely why I'm going to add them more often to my workouts, and if there is a muscle that works these two movements are the shoulders, especially the flexion hehe but if you can't do even a little, you can substitute it for a normal flexion in which your shoulders are much more forward of your hands and so you will work your shoulders!!!

    We are going to do a total of 4 rounds, resting 2 minutes in between each one, don't forget to warm up before and stay well hydrated before, during and after the workout 馃挭馃挭

    Video recorded with my Redmi 9
    Edited in capcut
    Cover edited in PicsArt
    Music by AlexGrohl from [Pixabay] (

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