(ENG/SPA) The Song of a Cruel Angel with Prometeos


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    Published on May 26, 2024
    About :


    Hola compañeros otakus del mundo que se animan a ver y escuchar nuestra opinión sobre un opening que indudablemente ha dejado su cicatriz en el mundo del anime y mas porque la temática que maneja no es una habitual allá en las lejanas tierras de Japón porque nombra a los celestiales Ángeles.

    Un debate ameno porque estamos de acuerdo en que es un endiosado arreglo musical a tono con lo que quiere transmitir una parte de la historia del anime que es precisamente esa crueldad de los Ángeles, para este podcast vengo junto al buen muchachon PromexXx de @promete0sz que como siempre manifiesta al máximo su sensación sobre la obra con mucho entusiasmo.

    Una nota llamativa es que la letra junto con el título no esta desviada de la realidad en La Biblia, generalmente si lees alguna historia de ese libro donde participen los mencionados ángeles, hay momentos de ayuda pero indudablemente muchas de sus apariciones es para cumplir la orden de Dios cueste lo que cueste y justo eso sucede con esta figura divina en el opening y letra de este soundtrack llamado Zankoku Na Tenshi no Te-Ze.

    La cantante que da vida a esta música llamada Youko Takahashi nos parece una voz que cumple, no es una voz soprano o la voz equivalente al poder de una deidad pero esto no la desmerita, de hecho Oscar la ve mas como una voz pop que logra entrar en la mente del espectador y quedarse, solo que claro para lo que plantea la premisa de la obra, se esperaría una voz con un tono de poder sinfónico medieval.

    Lo mismo pasa con la música, tiene ritmos muy pop que con la dinámica de imágenes es lo que termina quedándose con el fan de Evangelion. El poder celestial de interacción en este post esta en el video, allá podrán escuchar no solo la opinión de Oscar que mencione varias en este escrito, si no también el agregado de mi opinión solida y gratos momentos en los que cantamos el opening. Bendiciones para Todos.

    Hello fellow otakus of the world who are encouraged to see and hear our opinion about an opening that undoubtedly has left its scar in the world of anime and more because the theme it handles is not a usual one there in the distant lands of Japan because it names the celestial Angels.

    An enjoyable debate because we agree that it is a deified musical arrangement in tune with what wants to convey a part of the history of anime that is precisely the cruelty of the Angels, for this podcast I come along with the good guy PromexXx of @promete0sz that as always expresses the most of his feeling about the work with great enthusiasm.

    A striking note is that the lyrics along with the title is not deviated from reality in the Bible, usually if you read any story in that book where the angels participate, there are moments of help but undoubtedly many of their appearances is to fulfill the order of God whatever it takes and just that happens with this divine figure in the opening and lyrics of this soundtrack called Zankoku Na Tenshi no Te-Ze.

    The singer who gives life to this music called Youko Takahashi seems to us a voice that complies, it is not a soprano voice or the voice equivalent to the power of a deity but this does not detract, in fact Oscar sees her more as a pop voice that manages to enter the mind of the viewer and stay, only that of course for what the premise of the work raises, we would expect a voice with a tone of medieval symphonic power.

    The same happens with the music, it has very pop rhythms that with the dynamic of images is what ends up staying with the Evangelion fan. The heavenly power of interaction in this post is in the video, there you can hear not only the opinion of Oscar that I mentioned several times in this writing, but also the addition of my solid opinion and pleasant moments in which we sing the opening. Blessings to all.

    Source of The Video


    Thumbnail edited with Power Point, Logos used One is mine and the other is authorized by @promete0sz

    Source of Image 1

    Source of Image 2


    Source of Image 1

    Source of Image 2 Youko Takahashi

    Source of Image 3 Shinji Ikari


    Text prepared by @promete0sz
    Link to My Social Networks: YOUTUBE
    Video Effects and Edited all this with Filmora
    Translated with DeepL Translate (Free Version)

    Tags :

    soundtrack theanimerealm spanish 3speak review anime manga podcast muchachones evangelion

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