[ESP/ENG] Mi caravana de graduación / My graduation caravan


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    Published on Jan 13, 2022
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     Un cordial saludo a toda la comunidad, un placer saludarles, por acá su servidor: @galejandrovv.

       El día de hoy les comentaré un poco sobre un día muy emotivo y bastante esperado... el día de mi caravana de grado.

     A cordial greeting to the entire community, a pleasure to greet you, here is your server: @galejandrovv.

      Today I will tell you a little about a very emotional and long-awaited day... the day of my grade caravan.

    Foto propia / Own photo

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     Para nosotros ha sido bastante tórpida y atropellada nustra carrera, para que tengan una idea, nosotros tuvimos que habernos gradruado hace aproximadamente 2 ó 3 años; pero, debido a los problemas que han ocurrido en el país: paros, protestas, etc., y, la llegada de la pandemia, todo se nos atrasó bastante. No obstante, lo logramos, gracias a Dios.

       La decisión de realizar una caravana fue bastante problemática, debido a la situación pandemia, sin embargo, logramos conseguir los permisos requeridos para ello. Ya que, dentro de tantos problemas, queríamos celebrar que ya por fin estábamos terminando la carrera.

      For us our career has been quite torpid and run over, to give you an idea, we had to have graduated approximately 2 or 3 years ago; But, due to the problems that have occurred in the country: strikes, protests, etc., and the arrival of the pandemic, everything was quite late. Nonetheless, we did it, thank God.

       The decision to make a caravan was quite problematic, due to the pandemic situation, however, we managed to get the required permits for it. Since, within so many problems, we wanted to celebrate that we were finally finishing the race.

    Foto propia / Own photo

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       Luego de tanto esperar, el momento llegó, el día de nuestra caravana ya era un hecho. Muchas emociones en un solo momento, la adrenalina que corría por nuestro organismo era impresionante
      After so much waiting, the moment arrived, the day of our caravan was already a fact. Many emotions in a single moment, the adrenaline that ran through our body was impressive

    Foto propia / Own photo

    Foto propia / Own photo

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       La pasamos excelente, disfrutamos nuestra caravana como queríamos, todo salió muy bien; bailamos, reímos, disfrutamos como debíamos hacerlo; son momentos que solo se viven una vez y hay que drisfrutarlos.
      We had an excellent time, we enjoyed our caravan as we wanted, everything went very well; we danced, we laughed, we enjoyed as we should; These are moments that you only live once and you have to enjoy them.

    Foto propia / Own photo

    Foto propia / Own photo

    Foto propia / Own photo

    Foto propia / Own photo

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      Luego de todo, me fui a mi casa junto a mi familia, donde allí me tenían preparado un compartir; la mejor manera de terminar el día.
       After all, I went home with my family, where they had prepared a sharing for me there; the best way to end the day.

    Foto propia / Own photo

     Espero haya sido de tu agrado el contenido de éste post, agradezco su colaboración con comentarios, upvote's y repost. Hasta la próxima.
      I hope the content of this post has been to your liking, I appreciate your collaboration with comments, upvote's and repost. Until next time.

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