Saludos comunidad, en esta oportunidad quise hacer algo diferente, algo un poco cómico, un AUDIO CUENTO LOCO, donde se narra una historia que no existe con fines comicos.
Vale la pena resaltar, que en toda la narrativa se utilizo un léxico fuera de contexto a fines de hacerlo divertido y fuera de lo común.
Este es un cuento de autoria propia.
Cuento loco:
Recordando momentos en la historia contemporánea , específicamente en el año 3500 antes del yonfrai. Existía en Uropa un personaje al que le gustaba cultivar latas de atun con aceite de murcielago.
Cuenta la leyenda que sus frutos eran prósperos y que solo bastaba un mes para recolectar la cosecha, y estos frutos eran vendido y distribuido por la líder de calle de aquel entonces.
Estando en el campo muy de mañana, se le aparece un espanto que era temido por todos los aldeanos y que se encargaba que las personas que encontraba por su paso cayeran en un sueño muy profundo del cual muy difícilmente podían despertar, este espectro se llamaba el matatan, un mítico personaje que todo el tiempo andaba activo por los campos de cumanacoa , capital de uropa. si señor.
RAPIDAMENTE como por arte magia la noche se asomo como guaripete que busca comida. Se ecuhaban rayos muy estremecedores que hacian que todos los montes temblara por aquel fuerte pronto un torrencial aguacero, se podia escuchar como caia en ese momento.
El hombre anonimo del cual aun no se le conoce el nombre, luchaba con su subconciente para regresar a la realidad, el matatan viendo este acto de fuerza, fija toda su mirada sobre aquel aldeano especificamente sobre sus ojos para que este entrara en un estado de subirrealidad.....Esta historia continuara...
Greetings community, this time I wanted to do something different, something a little comical, a LOCO STORY AUDIO, where a story that does not exist for comic purposes is narrated.
It is worth noting that throughout the narrative, a lexicon was used out of context in order to make it fun and out of the ordinary.
This is a story of his own authorship.
Crazy tale:
Recalling moments in contemporary history, specifically in the year 3500 before the yonfrai. There was a character in Uropa who liked to grow cans of tuna with bat oil.
Legend has it that its fruits were prosperous and that it only took a month to collect the harvest, and these fruits were sold and distributed by the street leader of that time.
Being in the field very early in the morning, a fright appeared to him that was feared by all the villagers and that made sure that the people he met by his fall fell into a very deep sleep from which they could hardly awaken, this spectrum was called the Matatan, a mythical character who was active all the time in the fields of Cumanacoa, the capital of Europe. Yes sir.
QUICKLY, as if by magic, the night appeared as a guaripete looking for food. Very shocking lightning bolts were emanating that made all the mountains tremble from that loud roar .... suddenly a torrential downpour, could be heard as it fell at that time.
The anonymous man whose name is not yet known, struggled with his subconscious to return to reality, the matatan seeing this act of force, fixes his whole gaze on that villager specifically on his eyes so that he entered a state of upload reality ..... This story will continue ...
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