Valverde abre la lata en un partido que se le complicaba al Real Madrid.


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    Published on Sep 15, 2022
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    Ayer pude ver el partido entre el Real Madrid y el Leipzig, y aunque finalmente terminó de la manera que esperaba, tengo que decir que el Leipzig realmente merecía marcar al menos 1 gol a pesar de la merecida victoria del Real Madrid.

    Werner y Nkunku tuvieron varias oportunidades para marcar un gol, sobre todo en la primera mitad, pero cada vez que un disparo se iba dentro de la red Courtois era capaz de detenerlo.

    Una vez más, el Real Madrid logró la victoria en los últimos minutos del partido, y una vez más, Valverde fue el encargado de marcar el primer gol. Ya lo hizo en el partido anterior y esto demuestra la excelente forma que este jugador está disfrutando actualmente. Junto con Vinicius, diría que es el mejor jugador del equipo en este momento.

    Asensio logró marcar el segundo gol segundos antes de que terminara el partido, y me parece muy positivo porque espero que este gol lo ayude emocionalmente y lo mantenga positivamente comprometido con el equipo.

    Con esta victoria, el Real Madrid continúa su impresionante inicio de temporada con 8 victorias en 8 partidos. Este fin de semana afrontarán el partido más complicado de la temporada hasta el momento ante el Atlético de Madrid.

    Yesterday I was able to see the match between Real Madrid and Leipzig, and even though it ultimately ended in the way I was expecting, I have to say that Leipzig really deserved to score at least 1 goal despite the well-deserving victory for Real Madrid.

    Werner and Nkunku had several opportunities to score a goal, especially in the first half, but every time a shot went inside the net Courtois was able to stop it.

    Once again, Real Madrid managed to achieve a victory in the later minutes of the match, and once again, Valverde was the man in charge to score the first goal. He already did so in the previous match and this proves the excellent form this player is currently enjoying. Along with Vinicius, I would say he is the best player on the team right now.

    Asensio managed to score the second goal seconds before the match ended, and I find this very positive because this goal would hopefully help him emotionally and keep him positively engaged with the team.

    With this victory, Real Madrid continues their impressive beginning of the season with 8 victories in 8 matches. This weekend they will face the most challenging match of the season so far against Atletico Madrid.

    Video de intro libre de copyright fuente. Modificado por mí.

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    Música libre de copyright:
    ZakharValaha from pixabay
    Nemeti Tivadar from pixabay
    Coma-Media from pixabay
    MichaelKobrin from pixabay
    Vladislav Kurnikov from pixabay
    FASSounds from pixabay
    Coma-Media from pixabay

    About Dedicatedguy

    I am a Venezuelan geek, cinephile and introverted guy. I have always been passionate about tech innovations as well as creative fictional stories that can make your mind inhabit another world.

    Writing about various topics, learning about the ever-expanding crypto world, and doing a little bit of trading is how I spend most of my days. My preferred forms of entertainment are films, series, European football, and a good book from time to time.

    I chose "dedicatedguy" as my username to constantly remind myself about the importance of consistency and dedication in order to achieve any desired result we might want in life.

    If this post provided something of value to you, any type of positive interaction such as a comment, reblog, or upvote is highly appreciated. ❤️
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    futbol deportes spanish uefa championsleague realmadrid football soccer palnet leipzig

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