The Beauty Of Ule Lheu Beach On The Tip Of Sumatra Island


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    Published on Jul 09, 2020
    About :

    Hello everyone..
    Talking about the beauty of Aceh's natural charm it will never end, Aceh indeed save so much natural beauty both in the mountains and at sea, one of the natural beauty of the coast of the many other natural beauty that is in Aceh is the Ule Lheu beach.

    Ule lheu beach is located at the tip of the island of Sumatra, precisely in the village of Ulee Lheue, Meuraksa sub-district, Banda Aceh city, Aceh province.

    Ule Lheu beach is very different from other beaches in Aceh, if most of the beaches in Aceh have big waves, that you will not find at all at Ulee Lheue Beach, because the waves at this beach are quite calm.

    In addition, this beach also has an attraction for tourists with the port on this beach, the port which is the only access to get to the island of Sabang via the sea, so the beach is classified as busy at certain times because of port activities for people people who want to travel to Sabang Island.

    The most interesting thing on this beach is being able to relax while enjoying the charm of the beach and also the ships pacing back and forth in the harbor area that can entertain the eyes, and we can enjoy when the very sailing ships transport passengers from the Ule Lheu coast to Sabang Island.

    Because the city of banda aceh is the only city center in the province of aceh so do not be surprised if banda aceh has a quite crowded population, if the afternoon the beach is also included as a place for young people to enjoy a beautiful afternoon with a sunset on the beach this.

    Our cruise from Sabang Island to Ule Lheu Port made us to stay a few hours on this beach to just go around while enjoying the charm of a beautiful beach, after all Ule Lheu beach is being visited by local tourists, it really made us stay for a few hours on this beach.

    Watch a video of our trip on Ule Luhe Beach and hopefully inspire all of you to visit this beach.
    Thanks for watching....

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    travel nature ocd threespeak twitter-madness

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