The theme I proposed was "Clouds." For many reasons.
The clouds are beautiful and fleeting, sometimes their beauty is lost up there before our indifferent gaze that is so busy down here that it misses the beautiful landscapes that fill our sky every day. They represent for me something more than simply "those that bring water", because in addition to being bearers of beauty, who during their childhood did not spend time in ecstasy looking at the giants, monsters, castles, story characters that were seen in the shapes of the clouds? ?
When someone is distracted, it is said that they have their "head in the clouds." And of so many biblical prophecies fulfilled, the one that is most eagerly awaited is the one expressed in the text of Revelation 1:7
["Behold, He comes with the clouds and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn for Him; yes. Amen"](https://www.biblegateway.com/verse /en/Apocalypse%201%3A7)
There are various songs that talk about clouds, I was selecting among several of them and then I remembered a very romantic, very beautiful one that begins precisely by saying "Beyond the clouds I don't know what there is." That song develops in two parts: first The person begins to reflect that if beyond the clouds there is a better world for those on Earth who have not had love... then they will find love there. Then there is the surprise of finding that love in a look, in the look of someone who sees her as they have never seen her before and then everything changes, the sun becomes brighter... and that is how it really happens in our lives when we We fall in love, because love transforms everything.
Being so close to that magical day dedicated to love and friendship, which is also another of the forms that love takes, it seemed very appropriate to share this song that was popularized in 1968 by the extraordinary Venezuelan vocalist [Mayra Martí](https: //es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayra_Mart%C3%AD) and which was part of her album "Al gusto de Mayra"
Mayra Martí, in addition to being a singer, is a lawyer, broadcaster, criminal judge and university professor. Without exaggeration, she can be classified as one of the most beautiful voices in Venezuela.
Never could
Achieve love and be happy,
I can find it!
Beyond your eyes
I don't know what there is,
I think that a
Feeling of love,
Like you
No one else looked at me like that,
Like you
No one else I looked at.
A feeling that does not die,
What is called love for you,
When someone else thinks about it,
The sun is bigger and warmer.
And it happens, and it happens, and then,
When it starts with the heart,
Like a ray of sunshine,
That in December announces summer again...
Like you
No one else looked at me like that,
Like you
No one else I looked at.
A feeling that does not die,
What is called love for you,
When someone else thinks about it,
The sun is bigger and warmer.
And it happens, and it happens, and then,
When it starts with the heart,
Like a ray of sunshine,
That in December announces summer again...
A feeling that doesn't die...
A feeling that doesn't die...
Nunca pudo
Lograr amar y ser feliz,
¡Más allá
Lo podré encontrar!
Más allá de tus ojos
Yo no sé qué hay,
Creo que un
Sentimiento de amor,
Como tú
Ningún otro me miró así,
Como tú
Ningún otro miré.
Un sentimiento que no muere,
Que se llama amor para ti,
Cuando otro lo piensa,
El sol es más grande y calienta más.
Y pasa, y pasa, y después,
Cuando empieza con el corazón,
Como un rayo de sol,
Que en diciembre anuncia el verano otra vez...
Como tú
Ningún otro me miró así,
Como tú
Ningún otro miré.
Un sentimiento que no muere,
Que se llama amor para ti,
Cuando otro lo piensa,
El sol es más grande y calienta más.
Y pasa, y pasa, y después,
Cuando empieza con el corazón,
Como un rayo de sol,
Que en diciembre anuncia el verano otra vez...
Un sentimiento que no muere...
Un sentimiento que no muere..
Own photos and video taken with Samsung J2 Prime cell phone
Fotos y video propios, tomadas con celular Samsung J2 Prime
The text in Spanish was created without AI The text in English I translated with
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Editing of both videos and photos in Inshot.
Las ediciones tanto de vídeos como de fotos en Inshot.
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Un abrazo fraterno, paz y bien
María Teresa Fuenmayor Tovar
Facebook: Voz de Villa de Cura
Twitter: @vozdevilladecura
Web site: www.desdevilladecura.blogspot.com
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