Hello friends how are you?
Today I share with you the second day that I dedicated to this Dream Trick, I will be honest with you, this trick is giving me green gray hair.
Hola, amigos como estan?
Hoy les comparto el segundo dia que le dedico a este Dream Trick, sere sincero con ustedes, este truco me esta sacando canas verdes.
It stresses me out a little, because I leave angry because I have him super close to falling and I still haven't finished completing the trick. I made many attempts but I only edited the closest ones I had.
Me estresa un poco, porque me voy enojado porque lo tengo super cerca de caer y aun no termino de concretar el truco. Hice muchos intentos pero solo les edite los mas cercanos que tuve.
I hope that in the next session I can drop it. This trick when I manage to land it will look incredible friends.
Espero que en la siguiente, sesion pueda caerlo. Este truco cuando lo logre caer se vera increible amigos.
*Sad love song pops , RnB – nue *
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