Hive Music Festival, Week 54, Round 3/ "El borracho convertido"/ cover by @rafa06


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    Published on Oct 27, 2023
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    No me averguenzo del evangelio,porque es poder de Dios para Salvación!!!

    Esas poderosas palabras las dijo el gran apóstol Pablo; en su carta a los Romanos, capítulo 1, verso 16; nada mas acertado que esto, porque además de salvar, el evangelio tiene el poder de transformar y cambiar vidas, que muchas veces no lo ha podido lograr ningún tratamiento psicológico o psiquiátrico; por ello se dice que el evangelio son buenas nuevas de salvación, y, lo mas glorioso, es que, no solo la salvación del alma, sino tambien la salvación en el área secular.


    I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation!!!!

    Those powerful words were said by the great apostle Paul; in his letter to the Romans, chapter 1, verse 16; nothing more accurate than this, because in addition to saving, the gospel has the power to transform and change lives, which often has not been able to achieve any psychological or psychiatric treatment; therefore it is said that the gospel is good news of salvation, and, the most glorious, is that, not only the salvation of the soul, but also salvation in the secular area.


    Son muchos los testimonios que he escuchado, de personas que han sido restauradas en el evangelio, y, tambien he tenido la oportunidad de poder presenciar este glorioso cambio, en la iglesia donde asisto hay un hermano que estaba literalmente en la indigencia, ya no se bañaba, vivia en las calles, habia abandonado su familia, cayó en la cama de un hospital por una sobredosis de droga, ya los médicos lo daban por perdido, pero cuando despertó , se acordó donde vivía un pastor y, literalmente con las últimas fuerzas que le quedaban se para de esa camilla, y se fue hasta allá, el pastor le recibio, le oro, lo entrego al Señor, ya hace casi 20 años de eso, hoy en dia es un gran predicador y cantante, recupero su familia, y, vive feliz sirviendo al Señor! Gloria a Dios!!!

    There are many testimonies that I have heard, of people who have been restored in the gospel, and I have also had the opportunity to witness this glorious change, in the church where I attend there is a brother who was literally destitute, he no longer bathed, he lived on the streets, he had abandoned his family, he fell into a hospital bed due to a drug overdose, the doctors thought he was lost, but when he woke up, he remembered where a pastor lived and, literally with the last strength he had left, he got up from that stretcher, and went there, the pastor received him, prayed to him, gave him to the Lord, it has been almost 20 years since then, today he is a great preacher and singer, he recovered his family, and, he lives happily serving the Lord! Glory to God!


    Hay una hermosa cancion llanera que la he estado escuchando últimamente por programas radiales cristianos, que se titula el borracho convertido; donde narra la historia de un hombre que estaba perdido en el alcohol, hasta que un dia fue a una iglesia cristiana, y, fue restaurado por Dios!, y, es que son los vicios y los deleites temporales que ofrece el mundo como: cigarro, droga, alcohol, sexo desenfrenado los culpables de todas estas desgracias, pero, gracias a la misericordia de Dios, existe una nueva oportunidad, si vienen a los pies de Cristo, y le permiten entrar en su vida!

    Busque la letra en internet, pero no la encontré, la canta un artista local, y, al parecer no tiene una cuenta oficial donde seguirlo; pero les compartiré el enlace de una cancion parecida!

    Source / Fuente

    There is a beautiful llanera song that I have been listening to lately on Christian radio programs, which is titled the converted drunkard; where it tells the story of a man who was lost in alcohol, until one day he went to a Christian church, and was restored by God! And, it is the vices and temporal delights that the world offers such as: cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, unbridled sex that are to blame for all these misfortunes, but, thanks to the mercy of God, there is a new opportunity, if you come to the feet of Christ, and allow Him to enter into your life!

    I looked for the lyrics on the internet, but I couldn't find them, it is sung by a local artist, and, apparently he doesn't have an official account where to follow him; but I will share with you the link of a similar song!

    Source / Fuente


    Hare un cover en el cuatro, de esta hermosa cancion para mi entrada a la ultima ronda de este ciclo, esperando que sea de su agrado!

    Gracias por pasar, Dios les bendiga!!

    I will do a cover on the cuatro, of this beautiful song for my entry to the last round of this cycle, hoping you like it!

    Thank you for stopping by, God bless you!

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