Hola amigos de #hive. Cuando jugamos ajedrez ya sea de manera profesional o aficionada siempre debemos calcular cada jugada y sobretodo las variantes que se pueden presentar, se dice y se nos enseña que mover dos veces la misma pieza durante la apertura se considera un error y que no debemos caer en el. Pero que pasa cuando nuestro rival hace esto? o nos ofrenda una pieza de importante valor?, debemos considerar dos cosas principalmente la primera
Hello #hive friends. When we play chess either professionally or amateur we must always calculate each move and especially the variants that may arise, it is said and we are taught that moving the same piece twice during the opening is considered a mistake and we should not fall into it. But what happens when our opponent does this? or offers us a piece of important value, we must consider two things mainly the first one.
- It is an Error and the opponent has not realized: it is hard to believe that someone who plays chess and falls into these potholes of obviating the basic rules of chess, which brings me to my second point.
- He is setting a trap: this option is more difficult to believe since to analyze a trap we must project our calculation over 4 possible moves to develop.
Es se vuelve un dolor de cabeza para cualquier ajedrecista en el tablero, es lo que quiero que analicemos el día de hoy en este vídeo.
It becomes a headache for any chess player at the board, that's what I want us to analyze today in this video.
Gracias por ver y leer!!!/Thanks for watching and reading!!!
El tablero utilizado para la demostración es del software Chessbase15 y todos los derechos de autor pertenecen a la compañía Chessbase. Solo anoté las jugadas y las explico en este tablero.
The board used for the demonstration is from the software Chessbase15 and all copyrights belong to the company Chessbase. I only annotated the moves and explain them on this board.
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