🎵 Hive Open Mic 210 - “Renacer del Fuego” - Come Clarity / In Flames (COVER) @lyon-89🎙🎶


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    Published on Apr 14, 2024
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    HIVE OPEN MIC 210-Cover.jpg

    Saludos a todos, aquí les comparto mi entrada en esta semana 210 del open mic, en esta oportunidad he escogido un cover de IN FLAES llamado COME CLARITY así como el nombre de ese mismo álbum, IN FLAES es una de mis bandas favoritas cuando me refiero al METAL, desde muy pequeño solía escucharlos gracias a la influencia de mi hermano y a pesar de que es una banda que ha sabido acoplarse a la vanguardia perfectamente, jamás han perdido su esencia, lo cual los hace únicos y unos excelentes músicos a pesar de los años, recuerdo que solía escuchar esta banda junto a SOILWORK, siempre creaba playlist con grandiosas canciones de estas dos bandas, hermosos recuerdos. Les pido disculpas por mis equivocaciones en la pronunciación, me equivoque varias veces, aun así he dado lo mejor de mi para que puedan disfrutar de esta presentación, un abrazo para todo y gracias por su apoyo de siempre.


    Greetings to everyone, here I share my entry in this week 210 of the open mic, on this occasion I have chosen a cover of IN FLAES called COME CLARITY as well as the name of that same album, IN FLAES is one of my favorite bands when it comes to to METAL, since I was very little I used to listen to them thanks to the influence of my brother and although it is a band that has known how to adapt to the avant-garde perfectly, they have never lost their essence, which makes them unique and excellent musicians despite the years, I remember that I used to listen to this band along with SOILWORK, I always created a playlist with great songs by these two bands, beautiful memories. I apologize for my mistakes in pronunciation, I was wrong several times, even so I have given my best so that you can enjoy this presentation, a hug for everything and thank you for your always support.




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    Come Clarity - In Flames

    I see through thirty
    Getting older every day
    My soul drawing pictures of innocent times
    Can you add color inside these lines?

    I want you to lead me
    Take me somewhere
    Don't want to live
    In a dream
    One more day

    I want you to lead me
    Take me somewhere
    Don't want to live
    In a dream one more day

    Sure it would change my perspective
    I'm certain I would change today
    I'm certain it would change our ways
    Would things fall into place?

    I want you to lead me
    Take me somewhere
    Don't want to live
    In a dream one more day

    I want you to lead me
    Take me somewhere
    Don't want to live
    In a dream one more day

    I want you to lead me
    Take me somewhere
    Don't want to live
    In a dream one more day

    I want you to lead me
    Take me somewhere
    Don't want to live
    In a dream one more day

    Take me somewhere
    Don't want to live
    In a dream one more day

    Letra tomada de https://www.letras.com/in-flames/394615/#album:come-clarity-cd-dvd-1997


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    Gracias por tu apoyo ❤

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