As I mentioned today I felt super motivated and I felt that the "pro" was running through my veins haha but this was because I had been playing ranked for a while and had not even lost 1 game, so I said TODAY IS THE DAY, I didn't think twice times and I opened the app to record my games in the Clan War, although a part of me said that I was going to win undefeated another part of me said no haha but this since I still do not have the cards at the maximum level and as I have mentioned in previous posts this is a big disadvantage for any player, this time I played 3 different modes, the first one was the best of 3 where we must choose 1 of our 4 decks and so on until we win 2 games, then I chose the x2 elixir mode since I have a Beatdown deck which benefits in this mode since it is slow cycled and thus I can create more elaborate attacks, last but not least I played in normal mode with my precious Log-Bait.😁
Bueno para comenzar las guerras de clanes me acostumbré a jugar siempre de primero al mejor de 3 y siempre empiezo con el mazo de excavadora de duendes ya que es un tipo de mazo bait y es uno que a mi en lo personal me encanta, bueno en esta primera partida la verdad es que yo tenía cierta ventaja sobre mi rival ya que este no tenía las cartas a nivel 13-14 para hacerle frente al mío, aunque si bien en este mazo tengo casi todas las cartas a nivel máximo no es un mazo que tenga tanta sinergia entre las cartas, luego de una partida larga e interesante logré ganar y ponerme 1-0 por sobre mi rival, algo que me dio mucha risa de esta partida es que ni me di cuenta cuando la gané, venía un ataque bastante fuerte de mi rival con Minero + Globo + Megaesbirro y yo solo estaba concentrado en defenderlo, mientras que por mi otra línea mi lanzadardos logró tumbarle la torre.😂
Well to start the clan wars I got used to always playing first to the best of 3 and I always start with the goblin excavator deck since it is a type of bait deck and it is one that I personally love, well in In this first game, the truth is that I had a certain advantage over my rival since he did not have the cards at level 13-14 to face mine, although in this deck I have almost all the cards at maximum level, it is not a deck that it has so much synergy between the cards, after a long and interesting game I managed to win and put myself 1-0 above my rival, something that made me laugh a lot about this game is that I didn't even realize when I won it, a quite attack was coming strong of my rival with Miner + Balloon + Mega minion and I was only focused on defending him, while my other line my dart thrower managed to knock down his tower.😂
Siguiendo con el pana Janio678 en la partida del mejor de 3 decidí utilizar como segundo mazo mi montapuercos 2.6, para mi gran sorpresa mi rival también utilizó un mazo muy parecido al 2.6, la única diferencia es que mi rival tenía Caballero en lugar de Gólem de Hielo y Tronco en lugar de furia, la verdad es que de todas las partidas esta fue la MÁS emocionante ya que prácticamente era un mirror match y al más mínimo error se nos podría escapar la partida de nuestras manos. En esta partida los errores tanto míos como de mi rival fueron mínimos y en todo momento estuvimos muy parejos, cuando entramos a muerte súbita me di cuenta que mi rival cambió su estrategia y me quería tumbar la torre a punta de bolas de fuego y troncos, así que yo decidí hacer lo mismo ya que era casi imposible romper su defensa, faltando solo 10 segundos para que terminara la partida logré ganar y mi rival le dejó a tan solo 130 puntos de vida, una locura!
Continuing with corduroy Janio678 in the best of 3 game I decided to use my montapuercos 2.6 as the second deck, to my great surprise my opponent also used a deck very similar to 2.6, the only difference is that my opponent had a Knight instead of Golem of Ice and Trunk instead of fury, the truth is that of all the games this was the MOST exciting since it was practically a mirror match and at the slightest mistake the game could slip out of our hands. In this game both my and my rival's errors were minimal and at all times we were very even, when we entered sudden death I realized that my rival changed his strategy and wanted to knock down my tower at the point of fireballs and logs, so I decided to do the same since it was almost impossible to break his defense, with only 10 seconds left until the game ended I managed to win and my rival left him with only 130 life points, crazy!
Para esta tercera partida jugué en el modo x2 de elixir ya que tengo un mazo de Beatdown, yo se que siempre digo que soy main log-bait y todo lo que quiera peeeero en mis inicios en Clash Royale tenía un mazo de Beatdown demasiado raro pero lo que tenía de raro lo tenía de efectivo jaja así que le tengo un gran aprecio a estos mazos, este mazo mejoró muchísimo ya 3 de las cartas que tenía a nivel bajo en este mazo fueron potenciadas a nivel 14 esta temporada, la verdad es que en esta partida hubo bastante tención pero al final logré ganarla, aún así estuvo muy reñida la partida y fue muy buena partida. 😁
For this third game I played in x2 elixir mode since I have a Beatdown deck, I know I always say that I'm main log-bait and everything I want but in my beginnings in Clash Royale I had a Beatdown deck that was too rare but What was weird about it was cash haha so I really appreciate these decks, this deck got a lot better and 3 of the cards that I had at low level in this deck were boosted to level 14 this season, the truth is that In this game there was a lot of tension but in the end I managed to win it, even so the game was very close and it was a very good game. 😁
Para el final dejé a mi hermoso log-bait y ya en este momento estaba casi que cantando victoria ya que en Guerra de Clanes 9/10 partidas que juego con este mazo logro ganarlas, en esta partida me tocó contra el amigo CaTaN que sinceramente su mazo era bastante raro, no tenía si quiera Win Condition.. creo que basicamente su Win Condition consistia en sacar de ciclo a su rival para poder utilizar la orda de esbirros clonadas y tumbar la torre que si bien no es mala estrategia esta no es para nada efectiva, así que me resultó muy fácil poder ganarle y lo mandé a casita con 2 coronas, me fueran dado 10segundos más y le tumbo las 3. 😂
Y es así como terminé ganando todas las partidas, realmente que fue un video que amé grabar ya que TODO me salió tal cual como quería. 😁
For the end I left my beautiful log-bait and at this moment I was almost singing victory since in War of Clans 9/10 games that I play with this deck I manage to win them, in this game I played against the friend CaTaN who sincerely his The deck was quite rare, it didn't even have a Win Condition... I think that basically its Win Condition consisted of removing its rival from the cycle to be able to use the horde of cloned minions and knock down the tower, which, although it is not a bad strategy, is not for nothing effective, so it was very easy for me to beat him and I sent him home with 2 crowns, they gave me 10 more seconds and I knocked down all 3. 😂
And that is how I ended up winning all the games, it really was a video that I loved recording since EVERYTHING turned out just as I wanted. 😁
Me siento muy feliz de poder compartir mis juegos favoritos con ustedes y espero mi post haya sido de su agrado y tengan un excelente día, gracias por llegar hasta aquí!
I am very happy to be able to share my favorite games with you and I hope my post has been to your liking and have a great day, thanks for coming this far!
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