Hello friends, how are you? I hope so.
Here I am starting well 2022 with another post about Gods Unchained, and today I will present you a Thaeriel deck, god of Light, that I have been using in my most recent battles, with which I have been getting good results.
The deck was created based on some card tests that I made and with the improvement of some other cards that I received via pack, which I present to you below.
And here we go.
With this deck I have recently achieved a sequence of 5 wins in a row, which are shown in the video above, that's why I decided to share it with you.
Let's look at the cards that make up the deck in today's post:
Source: GUDECKS.com
As we can see above the deck is composed almost in equal parts between Light creatures and Neutral creatures, having as characteristic
In addition there is a division between the amount of mana of the creatures, not being a deck for a quick win, nor, a deck of very strong creatures,
The power I use for Thaeriel is Heal, which heals 2 life points of one of my creatures for the cost of 2 mana points.
By the way, the use of Heal through Thaeriel is one of the characteristics of this deck, because, as you can see in the battles I've done, which are in the video above, many rounds I used this power to heal creatures that had taken damage.
And Thaeriel's Heal power is combined with the "Radiant Spirit" ability, one of the good cards in this deck, so let's talk about it:
This is a very useful and dynamic card, because it has a good status (3 attack points and 4 life points) for its mana cost of 4 points, in addition to its standard ability to recover 2 life points from a random friendly creature.
Another distinguishing feature of the ability is that it takes effect as early as the turn Radiant Spirit is added to the battlefield.
Using it in conjunction with Thaeriel's Heal ability grants 4 life points to her friendly creatures, which can be a nice plus.
Another amazing creature in the deck, its 1 attack status and especially its 4 life status are good for a creature with only 2 mana cost.
But the combination of Chalice's amazing ability to reduce an enemy creature's strength to 2, and its backline condition, whereby Chalice can only be directly attacked if there is no other creature on the battlefield, make it a great tool for controlling the battlefield.
If your opponent can't defeat Chalice with magic, he or she may have a very hard time trying with just physical damage, because if there is a friendly creature with more life on the battlefield, it can withstand the 2 damage attacks (reduced by Chalice's ability) and then have its life restored by Thariel's ability or by Radiant Spirit itself.
This is a great combo that, when successfully included on the battlefield, can mean a good path to victory.
Patron's Sacrament is a spell whose effect grants frontline and protected to a friendly creature.
At first it may seem like a simple spell, but considering its low mana cost (only 1), it can be used to grant such effects to a very powerful creature in the deck, Feral Shapeshifter for example
I really liked this card, it is a spell with low mana cost (only 2 points) but with totally undefined healing power depending on how many life points the target friendly creature is missing. With only 2 mana points you can recover 100% of a strong creature that was close to defeat, bringing it back into battle and gaining a big advantage.
After having seen above some of the cards that make up this deck, let's see it in action with 3 battles, which are available for viewing in the video.
Opponent chose Goddess of Death, in the initial card draw I did not get any cards with 1 mana point, so I already had to spend my additional mana point on the very first turn.
I used Brilliant Intervention right on the second round to recover life, as well as grant the frontline ability, to my Skeleton Heavy who had just defeated the opposing creature.
In the next turn I already used Watchful Hound, which I talked about in another post (here) completely disabling the opposing creature, but this lasted only one turn.
On the fourth turn we can see the use of Thaeriel's Heal ability, recovering the life of my Skeleton Heavy that had already defeated 2 opposing creatures, on this turn I also added the "Chalice Priest" having a 2/4 creature on the battlefield.
What would be a great combo, as we dealt with above, but the opponent focused on destroying it with a spell, not keeping any creatures on the battlefield.
After this I had the game totally under control and not much effort was needed for victory, having completely dominated the battlefield:
In the seventh round the opponent gave up the battle
This time the opponent was God of Magic and my card draw was certainly better, coming out with good 1, 2 and 3 mana cards.
In the second round I added Skeleton Heavy to the battlefield for fear that my Chalice Priest would be defeated by a simple magic, but I should have opted for Chalice, which I added in the third round, having managed to reduce the attack of 2 opponent creatures until it was destroyed with a magic.
After that I had a little difficulty, because I did not have enough mana to summon the creatures that were in my hand, and my opponent always focusing on causing damage to my God, and I always using his Heal ability.
The opponent almost dominated the battlefield:
On the ninth turn the opponent added Hired Muscle to the battlefield and then I used Penitence, transforming Hired Muscle into a 2/2 Acolyte and gaining control over it, adding frontline, protected and ward to it.
He was certainly nervous about this move, so much so that from then on he could not do much, and a few rounds later he was defeated.
Opponent decided to choose the nature team and again I got good cards in the initial draw, drawing two one mana points and one two mana point.
It was a closely fought battle until the sixth round, with new creatures being added to the battlefield at each turn.
In the seventh round I added Chalice and completely dominated the game:
There was not much for my opponent to accomplish and in 3 rounds he was already totally defeated leaving the game.
I hope, with the explanations presented, have been able to show you a little of the functionality and use of this deck that, for me, has brought good results and a good average of victories.
With it I have achieved a good control over the battles, many times not even being seriously threatened by the opponent, and the existence of cards with varied amounts of mana make it very dynamic, possessing enough strength at the beginning of the battle, to resist more aggressive decks and, at the same time, possessing powerful creatures to resist longer battles.
On the other hand, there are the heal abilities, as mentioned above, that help us in several moments of the battle.
In the future I will carry out new tests and make changes to the deck, including one or two relics to make it even more powerful.
Thanks for reading.
All screenshots game were taken by me
The images used in this post were made by me
Translated with the help of www.deepl.com
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