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    Published on Jan 23, 2024
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    Hola amigos de esta gran comunidad, hoy les dejo por acá un video resumen del paseo por el parque en el que llevamos a la princesa de la casa por su cumple Número 2, este cumpleaños fué muy raro, ya que estuvimos los 2 niños y yo enfermos con el virus desde el día 4 de Enero que empecé yo con Fiebres altisimas y bueno, luego los contagié o eso creo que pasó, porque la primera en sentir fiebre fue Ema y luego Christopher y empezó la batalla para curarnos 🥵 3 noches seguidas de trasnochos, intentando bajarles la fiebre alta, mientras yo intentaba curarme, mi esposa y yo monitoreando su temperatura, fueron unos días fuertes de verdad 😝

    Hello friends of this great community, today I leave here a video summary of the walk in the park in which we took the princess of the house for her birthday number 2, this birthday was very rare, as we were the 2 children and I sick with the virus since January 4 that I started with high fevers and well, then I infected them, or so I think happened, because the first to feel fever was Ema and then Christopher and began the battle to cure us 🥵 3 nights in a row, trying to go down with a high fever, trying to go down with a high fever for 3 nights in a row, then I infected them or so I think it happened, because the first one to feel fever was Ema and then Christopher and the battle to cure us began 🥵 3 nights in a row of sleepless nights, trying to lower their high fever, while I was trying to cure myself, my wife and I monitoring their temperature, they were really strong days 😝.

    Sumado a todo esto, el aire acondicionado se nos dañó, pero pese a todo esto queríamos salir al aire libre, así que nos fuimos al parque, pero el día anterior en la noche, recibió una llamada mi mamá, donde notificaban que mi papá había fallecido😞 una semana muy fuerte la verdad, yo quedé en Shock, porque el y yo estabamos muy distanciados desde hace años, pero igual me quedé impactado, así que fuimos al parque y fué muy sanador, los niños corriendo por todos lados, jugando y nosotros felices de verlos así, luego de noches con mucha fiebre y caritas tristes, esto fué como un alivio verlos así, luego celebramos con una manzana, porque obviamente no podiamos comer torta, el virus les afectó el estomago a los niños, por eso aprecio enormemente estos momentos con los niños, en medio de la turbulenta semana, esto fué sin duda alguna una brisa fresca, espero que no se repita ni el 30% de esta semana para mi, ni para nadie, prefiero verlos correr y gritar por la casa, que verlos enfermos y estoy seguro que todo padre está 100% de acuerdo conmigo, con esto me despido amigo, les mando bendiciones a todos 🙏

    In addition to all this, the air conditioning was damaged, but despite all this we wanted to go outdoors, so we went to the park, but the day before in the evening, my mom received a call, where they notified that my dad had died😞 a very strong week indeed, I was in shock, because he and I were very distant for years, but I was still shocked, so we went to the park and it was very healing, the children running around, playing and we were happy to see them like that, after nights with high fever and sad faces, this was like a relief to see them like this, then we celebrated with an apple, because obviously we couldn't eat cake, the virus affected the kids' stomach, so I appreciate enormously these moments with the kids, in the middle of the turbulent week, this was without any doubt a fresh breeze, I hope this week will not repeat itself nor 30% of this week for me, nor for anyone, I prefer to see them running and screaming around the house, than seeing them sick and I am sure every parent agrees with me 100%, with this I say goodbye my friend, I send blessings to all 🙏.

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