Welcome to the tenth episode of me playing Pokemon Emerald, modified with a randomiser to change up the starter Pokemon you choose from, what appears in the wild and trainer Pokemon plus some other tweaks.
Watch me attempt to catch a stubborn Eevee, a necessary Pokemon for the many types of evolutions I can choose from, but what one do I want to have?
Was also having to be careful at first so I wouldn't lose a Pokemon while attempting to catch it!
Moving on and into a double battle with a pretty good duo! Grimer and Shuppet which can be a powerful pair. Sludge does a fair chunk of damage to my Max which requires switching out to Bitey..
How about that Seadra on an upcoming fight? I am jealous I don't have one and still stuck with Horsea.
But hey, more training and eventually I will have my own much stronger version!
This is starting to heat up a bit, now I have started to lose Pokemon witht the previous first loss. So keep tuned to see how I go with this Nuzlocke challenge.
The Nuzlocke challenge has 2 rules you MUST use.. You may only catch the first Pokemon in each area which if it is a double battle, you can choose which of the two you catch but if it faints or runs away then bad luck. Other rule is if a Pokemon in your party faints, it must be released and cannot be used (but like others you can replace it with the optional rule, or storing it in the box for good which I do).
Streamlabs OBS used for recording and setting the scene with the Pokemon font, my avatar and the game picture for what I am playing.
Emulator used: RetroArch
ROMS: They are the games
Saving: (Only for crashes and not to load since it is a Nuzlocke challenge) Using emulator saving between levels or occasionally in tough parts so I don't always die and repeat so then the game can get completed.
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