Making a reel is not that simple, it needs a bit of planning, and direction, especially for people like us who are not very much engaged in making reels on a daily basis. But she has it in her gene - singing and dancing is her favorite and the way she moves, I can barely match with that. I am not sure, if you noticed it or not, but she had a small dance in the Puja on wheels program in our society that I shared in this post. I was not even aware that she is coming on stage, as I was the shooting the entire event. She planned it then and there and executed it pretty neat. I like to dance, but then it's just some random dance and not suitable for reels. So that is the reason, I have a guest appearance in all her reels 😀
We still love those old songs from our time and she is the director and composer of this entire reel, starting from conceptualizing to final editing. She did teach me few steps even for that guest appearance. And as mentioned in my last post, we went to one end of the blue beach to get some free space. Ya, the less the crowd the more comfortable we are.
And the execution needed all of us, our daughter playing the song, and prompting to start. Our son doing the shooting. We had to do several retakes, because there were still some crowd, who did not stop to come in between. So the final one was done after 11 retakes. But that was only the visual. After coming home, she gave the idea of merging some photos and other clips at the beginning to match the way the song was shoot. And then merging the songs with these images, clips, was taken care by our creative digital director at home - our son. I tried to edit it with Windows Video Editor, but its pretty difficult to get the desired output. I finally gave up after trying for almost more than two hours. But he has some professional video editor software that allows to match the songs to a micro level. So he did a better job in less time.
The entire crew behind this - some people love it, and some do not. But as long as we are doing decent things for our own happiness, we don't need to bother about the negative feedback. There are many people who are doing indecent things to have more viewers in their reels, but that's not what we want. We just want to capture some nice memories for ourselves that will serve as a souvenir for us. After all, everything that we do in this life is for happiness, isn't it ?
copyrights @sanjeevm - content created uniquely with passion for #HIVE platform — NOT posted anywhere else! #HIVE is my only social diary - my blog is my life.
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