Un gran saludo para la comunidad de Hive Open Mic Hemos llegado a la semana nº147 con un interesante tema de referencia. "Corazón agradecido", y sobre esa temática, les puedo decir, que debemos ser siempre agradecidos con las personas que de una u otra manera nos han ayudado a ser lo que somos, como nuestros padres, familiares y amigos, pero por encima de todos ellos esta nuestro DIOS, Porque Él es quien le dio al hombre y a la mujer, el don de dar vida, y de darle la sabiduría para que guíen a sus hijos por los caminos del bien.
En esta oportunidad quiero homenajear al cabeza de la casa o de la familia, como lo es el Padre, sabemos que las madres tienen un papel preponderante en el hogar y son el corazón de él, pero esto no le resta al padre su gran importancia en el hogar, porque ambos tienen el deber y compromiso de criar, enseñar y amar a sus hijos y guiar la vida familiar por lo caminos del bien y en el que pueda morar el Espíritu del Señor.
Mi participación en esta semana 147: "Gran señor"
Si amigos, en esta ocasión voy a interpretar la canción "Gran Señor" esta canción es de nuestro querido y apreciado cantautor venezolano "Don Reynaldo Armas" conocido como el cardenal sabanero quien ha sido el gran baluarte de la música llanera en Venezuela.
Esta canción posee una letra hermosa, llena de mucho sentimiento, en el que Reynaldo, le agradece a su padre por todas sus enseñanzas; en una de las estrofas Reynaldo escribe: "Que su padre le enseñó cosas hermosas que asimiló sin cautela**" es decir que confiaba plenamente en él, le enseñó tantas cosas, que lo consideraba, como una escuela.
En otra de las estrofas dice: Viejo mío, caballero de la tarde, Tú, mi padre, tú, mi hermano y gran amigo, Los dos que fuimos testigos en el monte del dolor, Conocimos al señor que nos dio calor y abrigo, es decir: Que había mucha confianza entre ellos, sin secretos, al parecer, ambos, enfrentaron momentos difíciles.
Esta canción se las quiero dedicar a todo el equipo de openmic, en especial a nuestro compañero @jesuslnrs y familia, quienes están pasan por una situación difícil, por la enfermedad de su padre, por quien ruego a Dios, por su recuperación, Fe y más Fé, para Dios nada es imposible.
Don Reynaldo Armas: "Gran señor"
Letras: Gran señor
Caballero de la tarde entristecida
Camina, que te aguarda la distancia
Tu amor será la fragancia de la rosa campesina
El aliento de tu vida y tesón de tu constancia
Compañero de camino y luna llena
Centinela de la más hermosa flor
Tú conociste el amor entre pétalos de ensueño
De la mañana eres dueño y del tiempo todo un señor
El abrojo de los años cultivados
A tu lado me enseñaron tantas cosas
Cosas por demás hermosas que asimilé sin cautela
Porque tú fuiste la escuela que le dio acento a mi prosa
Viejo mío, caballero de la tarde
Tú, mi padre, tú, mi hermano y gran amigo
Los dos que fuimos testigos en el monte del dolor
Conocimos al señor que nos dio calor y abrigo
Taciturno, cuántas veces te sentí
Allí donde claudican nuestros días
Viendo la policromía del exótico paisaje
Para con rudo lenguaje descifrar su fantasía
Esas cosas que me diste, padre mío
Me enseñaron a quererte mucho más
Me hicieron sentir capaz de luchar ante la vida
A superar las caídas y a no olvidarte jamás
Cabizbajo, soñoliento y arrogante
Transitaste los caminos de mi infancia
Tu noble perseverancia de buen padre y gran amigo
Me hizo sentir protegido en brazos de tu constancia
Gran señor, yo te agradezco tanto amor
Gran señor, yo te agradezco tu actitud
Tú posees la virtud de haber sabido ser padre
Con permiso de mi madre cuidaste mi juventud
A big shout out to the [Hive Open Mic] community( https://hive.blog/created/hive-105786) We have reached week 147 with an interesting reference topic. "Grateful heart", and on that subject, I can tell you that we should always be grateful to the people who in one way or another have helped us to be who we are, like our parents, family and friends , but above all of them is our GOD, because He is the one who gave man and woman the gift of giving life, and giving them the wisdom to guide their children through the paths of the world. all right.
On this occasion I want to honor the head of the house or family, as is the Father, we know that mothers have a leading role in the home and are the heart of it, but this does not detract from it. to the father his great responsibility in the home, because both have the duty and commitment to raise, teach and love their children and guide family life along the paths of good and in which the Spirit of the Lord can dwell.
My participation in this week 147: "Great Sir"
Yes friends, on this occasion I am going to perform the song "Great Sir" this song is by our beloved and appreciated Venezuelan singer-songwriter "Don Reynaldo Armas" known as **cardenal sabanero ** who has been the great bulwark of llanera music in Venezuela.
This song has beautiful lyrics, full of feeling, in which Reynaldo thanks his father for all his teachings; In one of the stanzas Reynaldo writes: *"That his father taught him beautiful things that he assimilated without caution *" that is to say that he fully trusted him, he taught him so many things that he considered it as a school.
In another of the stanzas he says: My old man, gentleman of the afternoon, You, my father, you, my brother and great friend, The two of us who were witnesses on the mountain of pain, We met the man who gave us warmth and shelter, it is say: That there was a lot of trust between them, without secrets, apparently, both faced difficult moments.
In another of the stanzas he says: My old man, gentleman of the afternoon, You, my father, you, my brother and great friend, The two of us who were witnesses on the mountain of pain, We met the man who gave us warmth and shelter, it is say: That there was a lot of trust between them, without secrets, apparently, both faced difficult moments.
I want to dedicate this song to the entire openmic team, especially to our partner @jesuslnrs and family, who are going through a difficult situation, due to their father's illness, for whom I pray to God, for their recovery, Faith and more Faith, for God nothing is impossible.
Don Reynaldo Armas: "Great Sir"
Letters: Great Sir
Saddened Evening Knight
Walk, the distance awaits you
Your love will be the fragrance of the peasant rose
The breath of your life and tenacity of your constancy
Companion on the way and full moon
Sentinel of the most beautiful flower
You knew love between dreamy petals
You are the owner of the morning and a gentleman of time
The caltrop of cultivated years
By your side they taught me so many things
Other beautiful things that I assimilated without caution
Because you were the school that gave accent to my prose
My old man, gentleman of the evening
You, my father, you, my brother and great friend
The two of us who were witnesses on the mountain of pain
We met the man who gave us warmth and shelter
Taciturn, how many times did I feel you
There where our days give up
Seeing the polychromy of the exotic landscape
To decipher his fantasy with rude language
Those things you gave me, my father
They taught me to love you much more
They made me feel capable of fighting in the face of life
To overcome falls and never forget you
Head down, sleepy and arrogant
You walked the paths of my childhood
Your noble perseverance as a good father and great friend
It made me feel protected in the arms of your constancy
Great sir, I thank you so much love
Great sir, I thank you for your attitude
You possess the virtue of having known how to be a father
With my mother's permission you took care of my youth
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