[PT-BR] O Melhor e Mais Barato Combo de Dragon?


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    Published on Aug 12, 2022
    About :

    [ENG] Is this the Best and Cheapest Dragon Combo?

    Hello everyone!

    This is a video in Portuguese in which I talk about one of my favourite (and cheapest to buy!) combos of the game, which is the Summoner Brighton Bloom and the tank Djinn Chwala.

    Those two cards are incredibly cheap even for new players and are a great investment for them because they add so much flexibility due the Flying ability that Brighton gives to all your Monsters (easily countering Ranged/Melee heavy decks, without even talking about the Earthquake ruleset) and due the Chwala having SO much stats for her Mana cost (9 Health and 5 Armor for only 8 Mana, right at Level 1? Almost unbelivable).

    The Djinn Chwala is great on both Low Mana matches (because her, alone, is stong enough to carry the match) and High Mana matches (because she's strong enough to go on par with other high-mana tanks like Harklaw or Mycelic Infantry).

    Link to the Battle

    The analyzed battle had a very huge Mana limit of more than 50 Mana, so I could go with a Ranged-heavy strategy including very Mana-costly cards like the Dhampir Infiltrator. But, as you'll see on the match, while my own Summoner ability was able to counter the enemy Monsters (as all of them were Ranged or Melee and, thus, suffered from the extra dodge from Flying), the enemy Summoner -1 Magic Damage had no effect on me as I didn't played any Magic Monster. This huge advantage just compounded during the match.

    Thanks for watching and reading, and until the next post!

    [PT-BR] O Melhor e Mais Barato Combo de Dragon?

    Fala galera, tudo bom?

    Nesse vídeo, eu falo sobre um dos meus combos favoritos (e mais baratos para comprar): o Summoner Brighton Bloom e o tank Djinn Chwala.

    Essas duas cartas são extremamente baratas de serem compradas, até mesmo para jogadores novos, e são ótimos investimentos para os newbies pois elas trazem muita flexibilidade para suas estratégias: o Brighton dá a habilidade Flying para todos os seus Monstros, counterando estratégias baseadas em Monstros Melees ou Ranged (isso sem falar da regra Earthquake!); e a Djinn tem MUITA vida e armadura para o custo dela de mana: 9 Health e 5 Armor por apenas 8 Mana? É muita coisa.

    A Djinn Chwala é ótima tanto em partidas de baixa Mana (pois ela é forte o suficiente para carregar a partida nas costas) como de alta Mana (pois bate de frente com outros tanks caros como o Harklaw ou o Mycelic Infantry).

    Link para a Batalha

    A partida analisada tinha um limite alto de Mana (mais de 50), então eu montei uma estratégia cheia de Monstros Ranged fortes, incluindo o Dhampir Infiltrator. Mas, como você verá no vídeo, a habilidade do meu Summoner, logo de cara, counterava a estratégia do inimigo (que jogou apenas com criaturas Ranged ou Melee, e todas sofrem o +25% de Dodge por conta do Flying); por outro lado, o Summoner inimigo deu -1 de Ataque Mágico para meu time...mas eu nem joguei criaturas mágicas! Eu já larguei na frente, e essa vantagem inicial só aumentou com o desenvolvimento da partida.

    Obrigado por ler o post e assistir o vídeo, e até a próxima!

    This post is an entry to the SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge - DRAGONS!

    New Player Bonus Offer

    If you're a new Splinterlands player that still haven't bought the 10$ Summoner's Spellbook, you can help both you and me by creating a new account using my Referral Link HERE. If you create an account using my link and then buy the Summoner's Spellbook, leave a comment here and let me know.

    I'll send you some cards for free to use on your first weeks in the game to help you progress faster through the Bronze League! Using my Referral link doesn't cost you anything extra and will make both of us stronger 💪!

    Thanks for reading this post, and until next time!

    If you enjoyed the post, feel free to follow me as I'm routinely writing about Gaming, Investment, Fitness and Writing, and posting about other random fun subjects like Travel, Photography and Metal Detecting!

    If you want to play fun NFT Games, I do strongly recommend Splinterlands, RisingStar, Rabona and dCrops. Send me a message if you need help starting out!

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    Unless stated otherwise, all images are created and owned by me, or from the game depicted on this post.
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