Hello Hive community, and EspaVlog, since I started I have taken you to know different tourist sites here on Margarita Island, and today I take you to Playa El Agua, which is located in the Municipo Antolin del Campo. It is one of the most visited destinations by national and international tourists, very close there are hotels where visitors usually stay to enjoy both the beach and the pool. Recently they built as a boardwalk to prevent cars from parking very close to the beach, there are also small businesses where you can enjoy delicious meals and "empanadas margariteñas", if you want to spend more time on the beach you can get an awning service ranging from $ 5 to $ 10 or can be placed in a shade of the beautiful palm trees that adorn this place.
Desde mi punto de vista es una playa mas como para compartir los adultos porque la corriente aquí es algo fuerte para los pequeños de la casa, e igual tenemos que tener cuidado de no alejarnos mucho de la orilla. En mi caso personal por mi niña no suelo visitarla para bañarnos sino mas que todo para caminar y estar un rato en la arena. Hace un tiempo me hospede en uno de estos hoteles cercanos los cuales no les pude mostrar porque estaban algo lejos de donde estacionamos, y fue una experiencia muy bonita, poder estar cerca de la playa cuando cae el sol es algo muy agradable que todos deberíamos de vivir. Este video fue realizado con mucho cariño para todos ustedes, espero lo disfruten, un abrazo.
From my point of view it is a beach more for adults to share because the current here is somewhat strong for the little ones of the house, and we still have to be careful not to stray too far from the shore. In my personal case, because of my little girl, I don't usually visit it to swim, but rather to walk and spend some time in the sand. Some time ago I stayed in one of these nearby hotels which I could not show you because they were a little far from where we parked, and it was a very nice experience, being able to be near the beach when the sun goes down is something very nice that everyone should live. This video was made with love for all of you, I hope you enjoy it, a hug.
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La música fue descargada de Audionautix.com (sin derechos de autor)
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