Hive Open Mic week 97 (Lost) || "Heavy" Linkin Park Cover - Tribute to Chester Bennington


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    Published on Feb 18, 2022
    About :

    "Heavy" (Linkin Park cover)


    Once again grateful to be able to take part in this weekly musical experience, this time in week 97 with the theme "Lost"

    Friends, brothers and sisters of Hive Open Mic, I extend my warmest regards to all of you, I am glad to be able to meet you again this week. I must confess that this week's topic hit me in a different way, when I thought about the topic "lost" I immediately associated it with the feeling of being "lost" in life, with feelings of sadness and depression. Who has not felt emotionally "lost" at any time in your life? situations such as financial need or love failures can lead us to feel this way. It also came to my mind how many talented artists we have "lost" due to terrible conditions like depression*

    From the beginning I had the concern to extend myself a lot with this publication, since I try to keep the texts short and concise in my musical publications so that they are pleasant to read, however I believe that this is a topic that deserves attention, since Sometimes the outcome of a fight against depression can be tragic, as is the case of the artist to whom I pay tribute on this occasion, who after many years of fighting this condition ended up taking his own life.

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    Chester Charles Bennington, better known simply as "Chester" born on March 20, 1976 and died on July 20, 2017, was best known as the lead singer and songwriter of the band "Linkin Park" which had great success since the release of their first album "Hybrid Theory" merging genres such as Rap, Metal and electronic music. Personally, I have been a follower of Linkin Park's music since I was very young, how can I forget the first time I saw the video of one of their most successful hits "In The End" on Mtv? I instantly became a fan of its sound and of Chester's powerful, heartbreaking and at the same time melodic voice, who not only through his voice but also through his lyrics, manifestly expressed his problems; songs like "Cawling" "Somewhere I Belong" "Breaking The Habit" among others clearly reflect the sadness, frustration, anger, bitterness and anguish that the artist experienced.

    Chester would develop a great friendship in life with Chris Cornell (Soundgarden, Audioslave) another great musician who also took his own life, a couple of months before Bennington, which undoubtedly had a great influence on his mood during his last days. I myself have found myself on many occasions struggling with self-destructive behavior patterns and feelings of hopelessness and depression, and it really is hard when your worst enemy is yourself, my call is for us to become aware of how important it is to provide emotional support to anyone who suffers from these conditions, or who feels "lost" if you have a friend, family member or acquaintance who is going through depression, sometimes even a chat can go a long way. Finally, speaking a little about the song itself, since I heard it for the first time I was hooked on its melody, it was also a challenge in the sense that it was hard for me to learn to sing the lyrics and play the chords at the same time, but I think it worked out in the end. I hope you liked my post! and I hope you enjoy the performance Greetings, success and blessings to all! Until next time!

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    image by @cabelindsay

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    Una vez más agradecido de poder tomar parte en esta experiencia musical semanal, esta vez en la semana 97 con el tema "Lost" (Perdido)

    Amigos y amigas, hermanos y hermanas de Hive Open Mic, les extiendo a todos mis más afectuosos saludos, contento estoy de poder reunirme de nuevo con ustedes esta semana. Debo confesarles que el tema de esta semana me golpeó de una manera diferente, al pensar en el tema "perdido" inmediatamente lo asocie con la sensación de estar "perdido" en la vida, con sentimientos de tristeza y depresión ¿quién no se ha sentido emocionalmente "perdido" alguna vez en su vida? situaciones como la necesidad financiera o los fracasos amorosos pueden llevarnos a sentirnos así. También vino a mi mente la gran cantidad de talentosos artistas que hemos "perdido" debido a condiciones terribles como la depresión

    Desde un principio tuve la preocupación de extenderme mucho con esta públicación, ya que trato de mantener los textos breves y concisos en mis publicaciones musicales para que sean amenos de leer, sin embargo creo que éste es un tema que merece atención, ya que a veces el desenlace de una lucha contra la depresión puede ser trágico, como es el caso del artista al que rindo homenaje en esta ocasión, quién después de muchos años de lucha contra esta condición terminó quitándose la vida.

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    *Chester Charles Bennington, mejor conocido simplemente como "Chester" nacido el 20 de marzo de 1976 y fallecido el 20 de Julio de 2017, fué mayormente conocido como el cantante principal y compositor de la banda "Linkin Park" la cual tuvo un gran éxito desde el lanzamiento de su primer álbum "Hybrid Theory" fusionando géneros como el Rap, el Metal y la música eléctrónica. Personalmente soy seguidor de la música de Linkin Park desde muy joven, ¿cómo olvidar la primera vez que ví el video de uno de sus hits más exitosos "In The End" en Mtv? al instante me volví fan de su sonido y de la voz potente, desgarradora y a la vez melódica de Chester, quién no solo a través de su voz sino también de sus letras, expresaba manifiestamente sus problemas; canciones como "Cawling" "Somewhere I Belong" "Breaking The Habit" entre otras reflejan claramente la tristeza, frustración, rabia, amargura y angustia que experimentaba el artista.

    Chester desarrollaría en vida una gran amistad con Chris Cornell (Soundgarden, Audioslave) otro gran músico que también se quitó la vida, un par de meses antes que Bennington, lo cual sin duda influyó mucho en su estado de ánimo durante sus últimos días. Yo mismo me he encontrado en muchas ocasiones luchando contra patrones de conducta auto-destrutivos y sentimientos de desesperanza y depresión, y realmente es duro cuando tu peor enemigo eres tú mismo, mi llamado es a que tomemos consciencia de lo importante que es brindar apoyo emocional a cualquiera que sufra de estas condiciones, o que se sienta "perdido" si tienes algun amigo, familiar o conocido que esté pasando por una depresión, a veces incluso charlar un rato puede ser de mucha ayuda. Por último, hablando un poco de la canción en sí, desde que la escuché por primera vez se me quedó enganchada su melodía, también fue un reto en el sentido que me costó trabajo aprender a cantar la letra y tocar los acordes a mismo tiempo, pero creo que salió bien al final. ¡Espero que les haya gustado mi post! y espero que disfruten la interpretación ¡Saludos, éxitos y bendiciones para todos! ¡Hasta la próxima!

    Watch on Youtube

    ##Mira en Youtube

    Original version

    Versión original



    I don't like my mind right now
    Stacking up problems that are so unnecessary
    Wish that I could slow things down
    I wanna let go, but there's comfort in the panic
    And I drive myself crazy
    Thinking everything's about me
    Yeah, I drive myself crazy
    'Cause I can't escape the gravity
    I'm holding on
    Why is everything so heavy?
    Holding on
    To so much more than I can carry
    I keep dragging around what's bringing me down
    If I just let go, I'd be set free
    Holding on
    Why is everything so heavy?
    You say that I'm paranoid
    But I'm pretty sure the world is out to get me
    It's not like I make the choice
    To let my mind stay so fucking messy
    I know I'm not the center of the universe
    But you keep spinning 'round me just the same
    I know I'm not the center of the universe
    But you keep spinning 'round me just the same
    I'm holding on
    Why is everything so heavy?
    Holding on
    To so much more than I can carry
    I keep dragging around what's bringing me down
    If I just let go, I'd be set free
    Holding on
    Why is everything so heavy?
    I know I'm not the center of the universe
    You keep spinning 'round me just the same
    I know I'm not the center of the universe
    But you keep spinning 'round me just the same
    And I drive myself crazy
    Thinking everything's about me
    Holding on
    Why is everything so heavy?
    Holding on
    To so much more than I can carry
    I keep dragging around what's bringing me down
    If I just let go, I'd be set free
    Holding on
    Why is everything so heavy?
    Why is everything so heavy?
    Why is everything so heavy?

    Chester interview talking about his depression

    Entrevista de Chester hablando sobre su depresión

    I would like to continue growing as a musician and as an artist in general, and thus be able to offer the community a better quality content, by acquiring better equipment, both instruments and recording and lighting equipment, if you like my work, follow me and leave me a vote or a comment, thanks a million for visiting my post and supporting me!

    A big hello and thanks to the @ocd incubation program for providing their constant support to this beautiful community, allowing music to flourish in our beloved hive.

    Me gustaría seguir creciendo como músico y como artista en general, y así poder ofrecer a la comunidad un contenido de mejor calidad, mediante la adquisición de mejores equipos, tanto intrumentos como equipos de grabación e iluminación, si te gusta mi trabajo, sígueme y déjame un voto o un comentario, ¡un millón de gracias por visitar mi post y brindarme apoyo!

    Un gran saludo y agradecimientos al programa de incubación de @ocd por brindar su apoyo constante a esta hermosa comunidad, permitiendo que la música florezca en nuestra querida colmena.

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    Follow me! / sígueme! @juliopalomo

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    Tags :

    openmic music threespeak ocd livemusic appreciator mentalhealth neoxian palnet venezuela

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