Talent Sound Music/ Mes febrero/ Voz/ Leyenda de los dos amantes/ Silvio Rodriguez/ Cover by @gillia


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    Published on Feb 14, 2023
    About :

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    Greetings inhabitants of this amazing and wonderful multiverse called #hive, especially to the #soundmusic community.

    On this occasion I am honored to participate in the Talent sound music, month of February, celebrating love and friendship in its third edition.

    An event that since its inception has brought together all the musicians who make life on the platform, both established musicians and those who are just taking their first steps.

    For this occasion, I come with a song by the teacher Silvio Rodriguez, ["Legend of the two lovers"](https://perrerac .org/album/silvio-rodriguez-cita-angeles-2003/10501/), from the album Cita con ángeles, recorded in 2003, this musical piece has a lot to do with the theme of love and friendship, since it makes a beautiful analogy of the union of some slugs, but I am not going to go into details, since poetry, in my opinion, is not what the author captures, but what awakens in those who enjoy it. This composer, with more than 30 recorded albums and officially the author of 500 songs (unofficially it is said that there are more than 3000), although he has sung to almost anything, he always surprises with his poetic content.

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    I hope to live up to the event, and I appreciate the opportunity to participate.

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    For audio editing I used Adobe audition.

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    And to refine some details Audacity.

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    For video editing; Videomaker.

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    The video was taken with my Redmi 9T phone.

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    Lastly, I want to invite @gillians0302, @davidcentenor, @ljtorres2 to participate in this wonderful event on the platform.

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    Legend of the two lovers

    Like tender slugs from the countryside
    She and he curled up wet, wet
    And he stopped being a man, like she was a girl
    To be completely one.

    From all the points that brought them together
    They were savored so much and with such delight
    That the hours of life that they had left
    They decided to pass them on the caress.

    Less than a breath away from the warm embrace
    The rest of the story was debated
    In atoms, galaxies and other cases
    Who found certainty just that day
    That they found certainty just that day.

    And the two lovers became a legend
    coiled eternally and wetly, and wetly
    Nothing could touch them behind gloves
    Only the equally can know, the equally.

    The equally.

    The equally.


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    Saludos habitantes de este increíble y maravilloso multiverso llamado #hive, especialmente a la comunidad de #soundmusic.

    En esta oportunidad me honro en participar en el Talent sound music, mes de febrero, celebrando el amor y la amistad en su tercera edición.

    Evento que desde sus inicios convoca a todos los músicos que hacen vida en la plataforma, tanto los músicos ya consagrados, como los que apenas dan sus primeros pasos.

    Para esta ocasión, me vengo con un tema del maestro Silvio Rodriguez, "Leyenda de los dos amantes", del disco Cita con ángeles, grabado en el año 2003, esta pieza musical tiene mucho que ver con la temática del amor y la amistad, ya que hace una hermosa analogía de la unión de unas babosas, pero no voy a entrar en detalles, ya que la poesía, en mi opinión, no es lo que plasma el autor, sino lo que despierta en quien la disfruta. Este compositor, con mas de 30 discos grabados y oficialmente la autoría de 500 canciones, (extraoficialmente se dice que son mas de 3000), si bien le ha cantado a casi cualquier cosa, siempre sorprende con su contenido poético.

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    Espero estar a la altura del evento, y agradezco la oportunidad de poder participar.

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    Para la edición del audio utilicé Adobe audition.

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    Sin títuloLeyenda de los dos amantes.jpg

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    Y para afinar algunos detalles Audacity.

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    Para la edición del video Videomaker.

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    El video fue tomado con mi teléfono Redmi 9T.

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    Por ultimo quiero invitar a participar @gillians0302, @davidcentenor, @ljtorres2, para que se unan a este maravilloso evento en la plataforma.

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    Leyenda de los dos amantes

    Como tiernas babosas de la campiña
    Ella y él se enroscaron húmedamente, húmedamente
    Y él dejó de ser hombre, como ella niña
    Para ser uno solo completamente.

    Desde todos los puntos, que los juntaban
    Se saborearon tanto y con tal delicia
    Que las horas de vida que les quedaban
    Decidieron pasarlas en la caricia.

    A menos de un suspiro del tibio abrazo
    El resto de la historia se debatía
    En átomos, galaxias y otros acasos
    Que encontraron certeza justo aquel día
    Que encontraron certeza justo aquel día.

    Y se hicieron leyenda los dos amantes
    Enroscados eterna y húmedamente, y húmedamente
    Nada pudo tocarlos detrás de guantes
    Solo pueden saberlo los igualmente, los igualmente.

    Los igualmente.

    Los igualmente.


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    Tags :

    soundmusic talentsoundmusic music foxandfrens threespeak 3speak celfmagazine cover video community aliento hivemusic mih spanish cervantes

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