Crab Bay Market es un edificio que está ubicado en el centro de la ciudad de Cumaná y forma parte de los comercios aliados que aceptan HBD como método de pago, este edificio como tal es un supermercado que tiene en su planta baja su área de supermercado, ferretería y papelería además de unos cuántos stands de pequeños emprendimientos.
En su primer piso, podemos encontrar diversas tiendas que hacen vida allí y que aceptan HBD de forma independiente a Crab Bay Market, y en el segundo piso está lo más especial del lugar, su feria de comida y panadería.
Yo fuí con mi novio, para almorzar unos ricos falafeles del lugar después de pasar toda nuestra tarde del sábado de compras, pues estábamos cansados y no queríamos cocinar al llegar y es bueno contar con estos comercios que nos permiten usar nuestras criptomonedas para satisfacer nuestras necesidades sin tanto rollo e intermediarios.
Pagué usando mi @keychain, escaneando un código QR que fué verificado de inmediato por la cajera y ya en 5 minutos mi pedido estaba listo.
La comida de Crab Bay Market, es muy buena, tienen muy buen sazón por eso siempre vuelvo por más, además de ser un espacio amplio y tranquilo para comer sin los ruidos externos de la calle.
¡Nos leemos pronto, con amor, Emy!
Crab Bay Market is a building that is located in the center of the city of Cumaná and is part of the allied businesses that accept HBD as a method of payment, this building as such is a supermarket that has on its first floor its supermarket area, hardware and stationery in addition to a few stands of small businesses.
On the second floor, we can find several stores that accept HBD independently from Crab Bay Market, and on the second floor is the most special part of the place, its food fair and bakery.
I went with my boyfriend, to have some delicious falafeles for lunch after spending all our Saturday afternoon shopping, because we were tired and did not want to cook when we arrived and it is good to have these stores that allow us to use our cryptocurrencies to meet our needs without so much hassle and intermediaries.
I paid using my @keychain, scanning a QR code that was immediately verified by the cashier and in 5 minutes my order was ready.
The food at Crab Bay Market is very good, they have very good seasoning that's why I always come back for more, besides being a spacious and quiet place to eat without the outside noises of the street.
See you soon, with love, Emy!
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