I'm working on a way to start posting these videos in a single language with subtitles, but it'll take some time for me to adjust because I usually record, edit and post the same day and subtitling demands quite a bit more work. For now, I thought it'd be a good idea to simply use the video in Spanish and share the essence of the message in English, accompanied by the transcript of the Rune Reading as I've done in previous posts.
Today's message is about how we can deal with the news that we're consuming. The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine will only get worse and be compounded by many other crises around the world, so we have to start thinking of ways to keep our cool and avoid frustration and guilt, very common in times of turmoil. It's true that most of us can't do anything to help Ukranians or the Russians protesting right now, nor for any other people suffering at the moment, safe with our prayers and energy (which are a lot more useful than most think,) but it's also true that we have a lot of ways to keep ourselves well, to build beautiful things and fulfill our service and, believe it or not, this is enough, because if we're well, if we feel like we're doing our job, then we're keeping our house in order and our mental health; in so doing, we're making sure that we don't become another load, another channel or noise to feed the storm.
Go out, make something new, meet new people, walk, breathe, sculpt, paint, write, do what you feel passionate about, keep your vibration high and filter the information that you're consuming. If you want to directly and positively impact the lives of people in need, go ahead and become a volunteer for the many institutions that clothe, feed and care for other human beings who are unable to fend for themselves. Although the eyes of the world are on Eastern Europe right now, there are millions who still require assistance and many of them might be your neighbors.
Also, remember that sometimes it's not about actively helping, but about not being a nuisance. In many if not most situations, trying to be useful may very well end up causing the opposite. So let's focus on being good and in balance on our own, instead of unloading our troubles on others. I leave you with these words. You can watch the Rune in English on Tiktok and here's the transcript.
The Heart is the bridge between two banks, two worldviews. If you love the land, how can you hate your neighbor? Sow what you want to see in the world, care for it diligently. The pure emotion produces the sweetest fruit. Support your words with facts and verify the stories that you are told; society, language and communication are mazes, your Intuition is the Thread. Listen to female wisdom even if you find their words unpleasant and their demands offensive; heed your own wisdom and do not corrupt it with mistrust and dishonor. Be aware of your words, their sounds expand and shatter both barriers and alliances. Remember what you were, accept it and use it now; the things you let go of do not vanish, they merely stop weighing you down and holding you back. Stir the earth with caution, for you may destroy treasures and awaken horrors.
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