Hello everyone! How are you?
I’m very happy to present to you my new artwork. This time, I drew Harry Potter.
I think this reference image is one of the very popular one. I’ve seen many portraits done by many artists.
So I had to draw this. I’ve done the sketch a while ago. I’m very happy that I finally had time to complete it.
Don’t forget to check out the time lapse video! You don’t want to miss all the process of drawing.
The drawing app that I use record the time lapse video as I draw. I think it detects the pen touching the screen and record only when I’m drawing. I’m guessing that one minute of this recording is about one hour. I checked the time and compared…but I could be wrong. The recording was 9 minutes long so it means it took me 9 hours to draw? 😭 I was estimating 6, 7 hours… does anyone know about it?
Anyways, I hope I can shorten this as I get better.
I used the video editing app and speeded up the recording even more so that you don’t get bored😆. I think 9 minutes is still a bit long even if you are interested in art and we are all busy as well. I'm hoping that it is easy and quick for everyone to view. No trimming was done so you can see all my struggles there.
I hope you like it.
多分、私の使っているお絵描きアプリはペンがスクリーンに触っている時間を録画をしてくれるのだと思います。多分ですよ。調べても詳しくわからないのですが、1時間描いたのちタイムラプスを確認したら約1分だったので、とういうことはタイムラプス1分=1時間。このお絵描きのタイムラプスは9分だったので、9時間もかかったことになります😭ホントかな? 6、7時間はかかったなと思っていたのですが、どなたかご存知ですか?
I like how the eyes turned out but I think the glasses look a bit flat. I think I could have spent more time on it.
The hair is one of my favourite part to work on but I’m not having much fun since I started drawing realistically. I haven’t figured out the good way to paint it. I hope I can figure that out soon.
Sketch to Final
スケッチ → 出来上がり
Tools used: iPad, Apple Pencil, Clip Studio, a reference from Pinterest
画材:iPad、アップルペンシル、Clip Studio、Pinterestより写真参考
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