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Espero que disfruten de estas recomendaciones ya que solo me tomare el tiempo de hacerle review a los pelis que disfrute y que nadie debería perderse!
Tocare todos los géneros que lleguen a mis manos (u ojos) ya sea acción, comedia, Sci-fi, etc! Así que si no tienes que ver esta tarde pasate por este canal y estoy seguro de que encontraras algo de tu agrado!
Acá abajo encontraran el trailer de la película del día!
"Un complejo de salud y bienestar promete curación y transformación a
nueve estresados habitantes de la ciudad que intentan iniciar el camino
hacia una vida mejor."
A very intriguing tale of lives. The most important thing to me is there isn't one bit of filler in this series, every minute and moment adds something interesting. Each character has their story, their secrets and their vices. As the show progresses and unfolds, the more info is divulged and unraveled, a surreal turn of events makes itself known.
The cinematography and visuals are glorious, views are breathtaking. The contrast of the setting to the unraveling characters.
The fruit smoothies look delicious.
The Russian host (Nicole Kidman) has no need to be Russian, it adds nothing to the plot, and doesn't sound Russian, I am not sure why there needs to be an exotic host from somewhere that isn't the US.. it ends up sounding like a faux, generic European accent and it is annoying. She is very interesting without it, is the perfect ring leader of the ragtag group.
It's hard to not be absorbed in this fascinating, riveting, and captivating series."
Editing Sofware: Premier Pro CC
Camera: Xiaomi Redmi 8A
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