The Blackstone Legion: Chapter 3: For Honor Gameplay (Knights Story)


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    Published on Oct 07, 2022
    About :

    Whatsup Gamers and Hivers

    It's Friday people and time to play some For Honor!

    Jumping back into the story line with the third chapter of the Knights story line!

    In case you might have missed the previous episode of For Honor game play feel free to check it out.
    And Stay Out:Chapter 2: For Honor game play (Knights Story)

    The least I can say about the third chapter is that I definitely want to do a replay on this one, it left me in awe! The story line is really unraveling at this stage and this is where things get both interesting and fun.

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    The Big Bloak Stays Behind

    The chapter start of where we are just outside the walls of the old Iron Legion's castle. The mission in this chapter is to capture the bridge leading to the fortress, and the big bloak has the indecency to ask me if we will need help? If I was such a big bastard I would have just went along and bashed some skulls in!!

    Before capturing the gates of the bridge I learned some new skills, mainly how to defeat an opponent with a shield or how to catch it of guard. That is something that will definitely come in handy later on.

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    Finding the Iron Legion Traitors!

    After fighting my way up over the bridge and up the path to an excuse of a fort we finally found the traitors of the Iron Legion some seriously cocky guys!

    However we were even more cocky as we simply walked in not giving a single crap about how many there were and what their intentions were.

    But I know I have no place for a traitor in my heart, abandoning the people you swore to protect? Your own people? What animal does that?

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    Well as you can see that the commander of the Iron Legion just wanted to bash their heads in for deserting their posts, as always I'm a reasoning person and I want to find out why they deserted their posts... Ahhh well that only delayed the inevitable, I did not get the answers I was looking for and so the battle raged on!

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    The First Encounter With Our Warlord

    As we battled on they just kept coming and coming as we started to grow tired. Eventually they had us wounded and cornered, things really didn't look good at all.

    Suddenly out of the blue comes this beastly person and start chopping men up left and right! throwing them around like rags with no effort at all.

    She was wielding one of the biggest long swords I have ever laid eyes on and being cladded in armor that looks like it was forged in the bowls of hell itself, as she single handedly cut through most of the men and challenging those who remained all by herself!

    Now that is what you call a true Warlord and definitely someone I would follow to the ends of the earth!!

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    Just checkout that head piece, it kind of reminds me of the one witch of Crookback Bog in The Witcher 3 dayummm I love it!!! Bad ass armor for a bad ass bitch!

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    If you have any recommendations on any games you want to see me playing throw it out there in the comments!

    Until next time stay good people! Keep on gaming and keep on Hiveing!!!!

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    hivegaming ocdb threespeak palnet hivesouthafrica powerhousecreatives ecency peakd freewriters gaming

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