Greetings my dear #Hive Champions and Full Sports How are you today? I hope you are very well, for today I want to share with you a very good cardio cardio routine, in my case I usually train little cardio for fear of losing weight, although I should do it more often to improve my resistance since I I run 1 block and I'm already dying haha.
Recordemos que al realizar rutinas de cardio debemos trabajar de la forma más intensa posible y respetando los segundos de descanso estipulados, en éste caso vamos a estar dejando solo 15 segundos de descanso entre un ejercicio y otro, si sienten que es muy poco tiempo pueden dejar 30 o 40 segundos, la idea es poder culminar la rutina y con el tiempo hacerlo más intenso.
Al finalizar debemos descansar durante 1 minuto y repetirla nuevamente (debemos realizarla un total de 4 veces).
Importante: Calentar bien antes de ejecutar la rutina y mantenerse bien hidratados.
Let's remember that when performing cardio routines we must work as intensely as possible and respecting the stipulated seconds of rest, in this case we will be leaving only 15 seconds of rest between one exercise and another, if you feel that it is too little time you can leave 30 or 40 seconds, the idea is to be able to finish the routine and over time make it more intense.
At the end we must rest for 1 minute and repeat it again (in total we must do it a total of 4 times).
Important: Warm up well before performing the routine and stay well hydrated.
• Ejercicio #1: Saltos en Tijera: 20 Repeticiones | 15 Segundos de Descanso.
• Exercise #1: Jumping Jacks: 20 Repetitions | 15 Seconds Rest.
• Ejercicio #2: Escaladores de Montaña: 40 Repeticiones (20 pares) | 15 Segundos de Descanso.
• Exercise #2: Mountain Climbers: 40 Repetitions (20 pairs) | 15 Seconds Rest.
• Ejercicio #3: Burpees: 10 Repeticiones | 15 Segundos de Descanso.
• Exercise #3: Burpees: 10 Repetitions | 15 Seconds Rest.
• Ejercicio #4: Zancadas Explosivas: 20 Repeticiones (10 de cada lado).
• Exercise #4: Explosive Lunges: 20 Repetitions (10 each side).
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