Videogames With Juan: My Son is a Youtuber in the Making || Mom Life


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    Published on Oct 25, 2023
    About :

    a GamePlay of a New Youtuber

    video is in Spanish, maybe in the future he will improve his english 🤪


    Being a mom in this time means you have to deal with your kid of 5 years wanting to be a youtuber. Juan has a tablet since he was 3 and a phone since he was 4, he used to like watching movies or playing some games on his tablet but nothing major he usually got bored with it pretty quickly, since last year when he got his phone (it doesn’t have a sim card is only for games and youtube kids) he has become more of an regular user of it.

    We have a schedule and he has some responsibilities to fulfill during the day before he can use his phone, but once he is done with all that he can usually use it for the day. Don’t @ me, this has worked for us, he is a healthy and smart kid, who is respectful and kind, so don’t judge me for allowing screen time.

    Internet safety

    I will make a post more in deep about this, the programs I use and the safety measures I take with my kid but one of the things I will say is he only uses Youtube Kids, this helps control the content he sees, specially since there is not ads and we can block any channel or video we don’t want him to have access to, this may not be a permanent solution specially as he is growing but, so far has worked for us, also we are trying to teach him to respect our boundaries and limits without them being force upon him.

    Youtube kids for creators

    So one thing I have notice is Youtube kids not only protect is viewers but it also protects is content creators if they are kids, if you set the content to be kid appropriate them it wont let you add any cards, links or any thing that your viewers could use to click on it and be redirected, and for the creator it wont allow people to comment on it, this is awesome my kid doesn’t read yet, but he is learning this year so, it is important for me to keep him safe for the wrong kind of comments.

    Content Creation for a Kid

    So, Juan is a fan of a few youtubers, one in particular is called ”Duki Duki Dariel” and he wants to be just like him. He asked me a while back if we could make him a channel and upload content to share but, he didn’t know what he wanted to actually record, then I gave him the idea of making a experiment for a video and he loved the idea that is how “Science with Juan” was born and I actually made a post about it you can read here.

    First of all I want to point out the one recording that video was his dad, and so, I don’t have anything to do in the bad quality of it! And second, once he knew he would be on camera the kid got nervous didn’t know what to say or what to do and was all very funny but didn’t got us a lot of content not even for a long video.
    Since that video was posted, he has wanted to make another video but hasn’t come up with an idea to make another experiment, and I choose to let this be his thing not meddling too much into it first cause I don’t have the time and second cause I want him to see how much time and effort being a content creator takes.

    He will make another video of an experiment for that Ciencias con Juan channel but in the meantime.

    Video Games

    Juan as any kid is a gamer first a kid later lol, he loves to play any sort of games and he has gotten better in time with actually knowing how to play them well, and since he spends hours watching game plays on youtube well is only natural for him to be this way.

    One of the things I noticed is when he is playing he cant shut up, like he talks and talks all the time, and that is when it hit me, he could make a game play as his youtubers that he loves do, and that is how we got here…

    Today’s game play

    I actually asked @soy-laloreto what app to use for this, since his phone is a Samsung Galaxy A12 and doesn’t come with an integrated way to record the screen of the phone, she recommended XRecorder and that is the one we got.
    I'm going to be honest this video is not the first he actually recorded but… I was dumb and didn’t check the permissions of the app within the google family link and after the kid was already 1 hour deep in recording I noticed the voice wasn’t been recorded 🫠 and so, he had to start over, that first recording would have been awesome he was full on speaking all the time going on step by step of the game, but oh well…

    Then he went on to record this one and well you have to see it lol, he loved the idea of sharing his games with the subscribers and has since then recorded several more videos I still have to edit to upload so in the coming days his next game plays will be posted too.


    To be honest I didn’t edited this much I just cutted a few minutes where he was just playing and didn’t talked at all so I just figure I needed to cut that out.

    He chose the way and colors he wanted for the covers and the intro of the videos and we used Microsoft ClipChamp editor that I love.

    3Speak or Youtube?

    Well to be honest, if it was up to me, I would publish this only on 3speak cause obvious reasons, but he wants to be a youtuber and doesn’t understand much of Hive or 3 speak yet to explain the differences, so I figure I could just upload this to 3 speak first then to youtube. When he is older he can choose the platform of his liking more.

    Supreme Duelist Stickman

    This game is that he recently discovered and is hook on, i have to say is fun to play (he has made me play with him) and is very harmless, the one thing I do not like is the fact it has Ads in the middle of plays, to be fair is not every single time they show up like other games I seen but I much rather he playing stuff that doesn’t have any ads on.


    Comment, Likes and Follow!

    Anyways let me know what you think I will be reading the comments to him so let him know any recommendations of games and what you though of his first ever game play 💛

    Make sure to visit his YouTube channel and leave lots of likes and subscribe there too!

    image.png Click on the image to go to the channel!



    As always, thank you for reading me, would love to read about your own experience on this, so please leave a comment or better yet, make a post in The Motherhood Community.


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    Tags :

    games videogames gamer gameplay motherhood momlife kids youtube youtuber

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